Tattoo - Roman x Virgil

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"No I think it should be the other way but whatever" Virgil grumbled, pulling his leg onto the sofa. His trouser leg pulled up slightly and Patton gasped, scrambling to his feet and skidding across the floor to him.

"Pat-Ah!" Patton pulled Virgils leg up into the air, causing him to slide down the couch. Patton pulled up his trouser leg and stared at the tattoo on his ankle.

"When did you get this?" Patton questioned, Logan, Roman and Thomas got up to look to and Virgil pulled his leg down, blushing.

"A month ago..." he shrugged, looking down.

"By who?" Roman asked, Virgil couldn't leave to go to a tattoo shop without Thomas and by Thomas's surprised expression it was obvious Thomas didn't know about it prior.

"I did it myself" Virgil shrugged and Patton pulled his leg up again, smiling.

"It's awesome, kiddo!" He complimented.

It was a heart, on his ankle, with an arrow going through it and a fancy R in the middle.

"What does the R stand for?" Logan wondered.

"Uh..Rover?" He said but it sounded more like a question, "rover? What significance does the word rover have to you?" Logan replied, not believing him.

"Are you sure it means rover?" Thomas smirked, wriggling his eyebrows. Virgil blushed and looked away, glaring at the wall.

"Awh! He's blushing!" Patton giggled.

"By any chance does it mean Roman?" Roman dared to ask, letting Virgil have his leg back.

"If it did what would you say?" Virgil mumbled, his face burning.

Roman hummed, "I would want one of my own - my name is amazing, and I'd have another with V" Virgil sunk down into his jacket and Patton cooed.

Roman sat down next to him and pulled him into his side, grinning widely.

"I didn't know Dr. Doom and gloom had a crush on the" he flicked his hair, "amazingly fabulous Prince" Virgil scoffed and Patton chuckled with Thomas.

"Whatever Princey"


That was short but the idea just came to mind idk

I wanna tattoo

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