Surprise Birthday - Logan x Virgil

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"Do you both promise you will not say a word to Virgil about this?" Logan asked, looking at both Patton and Roman pointedly.

Roman sighed, "Yes, nerd"

"I solemnly swear!" Patton grinned. "That I am up to no good" he whispered/mumbled onto the end. Logan paid it no attention.

"You know you're only doing this because he's your boyfriend" Roman commented, waving his arms around.

Logan stared at him like he was an idiot, well, he is an idiot most of the time. "No, I am doing it because I love him"

"And he's your boyfriend-"

"Yes fine" Logan sighed, "I am doing this because he is my boyfriend and I love him"

"I will never get over you saying you love him" Roman commented. Logan ignored him and they all got on with the plan.

Virgil left his room around two pm and stretched his arms, heading to the living room. "Good afternoon, dear" Logan smiled at Virgil. His cheeks covered with a pink hue, he would never get over Logan calling him that pet name.

"Afternoon" Virgil mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Suddenly he remembered what day it was, his birthday. He looked at Logan who stared back, "'s uh...something, today"

"Oh, it is Saturday" Logan smiled, Virgil nodded. "Uh yeah, thanks" giving an awkward smile he grabbed some food from the kitchen an left for his room. Usually on his birthday he doesn't like to celebrate it but he doesn't mind people saying happy birthday.

He tried to forget about it and stayed in his room for the rest of the day.

"Phew! That was close" Patton chuckled, bringing back in the banner.

Roman walked in with the balloons and other decorations. "If he comes back someone will have to make sure he doesn't walk in, when this is set up we can't take it down!" Roman stated.

"I know, I know. I will keep an eye on the door" Logan replied and they went back to their jobs.

Thomas appeared awhile later, holding the white box with the cake inside.

"Woah! This us awesome, guys!" He grinned.

"Thank you" Logan took the cake, as he did not trust Thomas, and brought it to the kitchen.

"Virgil!" Thomas called his dark side when the others had finished, "yeah?" Virgil appeared, eating his food.

"Come with me!" Thomas grabbed his arm and dragged the reluctant trait to the living room. The sides knew he didn't like loud noises or people jumping out at him so they didn't do the stereotypical jump while shouting surprise thing.

"Happy birthday!" They all said at the same time, Roman popping five party poppers afterwards, because he was extra.

"Oh..." Virgil looked around the room and hid his smile with his sleeve, Logan walked up to him.

"Did you do this?"

"Yes, I did all of this" Logan confirmed.


"Shh! Don't ruin the moment!" Patton shut Roman up, feeling bad and kissing his cheek after.

Virgil smirked and looked away. "Thank you, Kitten" Virgil mumbled to Logan, shuffling forward and awkwardly hugging him.

"AWWW! SO CUTE!" Patton squealed, taking pictures on his phone.

"I aspire to be that cute" Thomas commented with a smile, watching Logan hug him back.

They spent hours celebrating Virgils birthday, mostly playing video games because it involved no moving and no social interaction which is what Virgil loved, though he and Logan did cuddle up during the entirety of it.

"Don't sing happy birthday, by the way" Virgil said when Thomas left to get cake. "It's super awkward"

"Buuuuuuuuut!" Patton whined.

"Daaaaaaaaaad!" Virgil whined back. Patton giggled and Roman smiled.

"We do not have to sing if you wish" Logan reassured him. The cake was brought in and he wished a wish before blowing them out. They ate the cake and all happily spoke with each other, the day coming to an end.

Obviously an end which involved Logan and Virgil cuddling. "What did you wish for?" Logan had asked.

"Can't tell you" Virgil replied.

"Technically no wish can come true from blowing out candles, it was a popular symbol associated with Artemis-"

"Okay fine I'll tell you" Virgil groaned, Logan smiled in triumph.

"I wished..." Virgil blushed, "I wished forourrelationshiptolastforever" he blurted quickly.

"What was that?"

Virgil sighed and hid his face, "I wished for our relationship to last forever"

Logan felt his heart flutter. "You do not have to wish for something that will already happen, dear" Virgil nearly cried at his words and hugged his boyfriend tightly.

"Thank you, kitten"


Thanks for the request!

Yes it does say Prinxiety but I didn't see that and I asked which ship and they said I could do any soooo I did this then I realised it said Prinxiety and idk, I can change it if you want? I don't mind!

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Yes it does say Prinxiety but I didn't see that and I asked which ship and they said I could do any soooo I did this then I realised it said Prinxiety and idk, I can change it if you want? I don't mind!

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