Break Down - Logan x Virgil

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Trigger warning: Self deprivation

"You know I'm only going to get new headphones" Virgil grumbled, pocketing his phone.

"We know kiddo!" Patton grinned, secretly knowing that's not why he was going. He wanted to hang out with them all, doesn't happen often anyway.

"Come on you slow pokes!" Roman called from the car, leaning out of the window. Virgil rolled his eyes and walked outside with a giggling Patton. Thomas closed the door and they drove off to the store.

Logan watched the car drive down the street through the window, sighing when it disappeared. Logan knew it, they hated him.

Logan had been theorising this for awhile, they soon came to the conclusion that the others hated them, why? Well, they think because they correct them and make them think they are stupid they hate them.

(Btw Logan is Non-binary if this is confusing)

Logan drew their legs to their chest and broke down crying, tears escaped their eyes and rolled down their red cheeks, falling onto their jeans and soaking through to their legs. Sobs escaped their mouth at a fast rate and wracked through their body, causing them to shake and jerk violently.

Their breathing was sporadic and they held them self tightly, clumsily throwing their glasses to the side and sobbing loudly.

Twenty minutes passed and Logan hadn't gotten better, in fact they got worse. The others had come back and Virgil was the first to walk in.

"I told you Princey-" Virgil stopped his sentence short when he saw Logan in a mess. Eyes widening he rushed over and sat beside them, calling their name.

"L-le-leave me al-lone!" Logan cried but shuffled closer to Virgil, still crying just as hard as before. Virgil wrapped them in a hug, the others watching, confused and concerned.

"Logan? What's wrong?" Virgil whispered.

Logan sniffled, their sobs and crying preventing them from being able to make a coherent response. Virgil took Logan away to their room, Virgil was sure Logan didn't want to be watched by a crowd. Setting them down on their bed Logan rubbed their eyes and calmed them self down slowly with the help of Virgil who told them his breathing technique.

"Why are you upset?" Virgil asked calmly.

"Is it not obvious?" Logan replied, shaking their head sorrowfully.

"You all hate me"

"What? We don't hate you, none of us do!" He replied quickly, Logan sighed.

"Please do not just hurts more" they whispered, casting their eyes down. They left their glasses in the living room and they could barely see anything, counting Virgils face. It was blurry and they couldn't see his expression.

"I'm not lying, Logan!" Virgil defended, "I'm serious, we don't hate you, why are you suddenly thinking that? It's my job"

Logan sighed again and rubbed their eyes, "for one I am annoying, I sometimes treat you all like you are idiots, I can not express my emotions so I come off as if I do not like any of you which is the opposite of what I feel!"


"I understand, you along with the rest do not like me...maybe hate is irrational but you can leave if you wish"

Logan turned away but was surprised when two arms wrapped around them and pulled them close, "Virgil-" Virgil pulled them closer, shutting them up.

"Stop it" he whispered, "stop thinking like that. We all like you, stop worrying okay?"

Logan shuffled closer to Virgil, resting their head on his shoulder. "I am sorry..."

"Don't be, it would be a lie if I said I don't sometimes feel like this"

"You do? I like you, so does everyone else" Virgil smiled, "good, 'cus I like you too"

Logan smiled, "I am pretty sure I like you more"

"Really? I don't think that's correct"

"It is!"

"Nah, your like for me is" he grinned, "infinitesimal compared for mine towards you"

Logan frowned, "I hate you"

Virgil laughed, leaning down and softly pecking their head.

"I know, Logan. I know"


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