Fighting For Cuddles - Thomas x Roman x Logan x Virgil x Patton

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Ever since all the sides including Thomas began dating they wanted cuddles from Thomas...all the time. Thomas didn't mind, he did love the attention from them all, as long as he could do his work and still spend time with his friends he was happy to be cuddled for the rest of the time.

Virgil was cuddling Thomas in the living room as Thomas did work on his computer when an irritated Roman walked in.

"Virgil! It's my turn to cuddle Thomas!" He complained.

"No it's not, go away" Virgil replied, gripping onto Thomas tightly. Here we go, Thomas thought with a chuckle.

"I think you will find it is my turn" Logan piped up, appearing next to Roman.

"NO!" Patton yelled. "HE'S MINE!" Patton sat beside Thomas and pulled him closer, Virgil glared at him and pulled Thomas back. Thomas sat still, tensing his body as he became a rope in a tug of war match.

Roman grabbed Thomas's arm and pulled him away from Virgil and Patton, Thomas gently put his laptop on the table and kissed Romans cheek.

"Guys, can't we all cuddle-"

"No!" They all said at the same time, Thomas sighed and got down from Romans arms.

"Who do you want to cuddle?" Logan asked, Thomas frowned.

"I can't choose" he replied, glancing at all of them. "I mean, we can all still-"

"No! It becomes over crowded and to hot!" Roman cut him off, crossing his arms.


"We were perfectly fine before you guys showed up" Virgil glared, "You've had Thomas for hours!" Patton complained, frowning.

"He prefers me" Virgil shrugged.

"No! He likes me more!" Roman argued back.

"I don't like any of you more! I like you all equally" Thomas cut in, crossing his arms.

"I know you all want to cuddle but don't forget we are all dating, you guys need to spend time with each other, not just me" Thomas said, looking at them all. They frowned but agreed, "So...if you all want to cuddle me so much, one of you can have me for a full month, the next month someone else and so on" Thomas said.

The sides worked out which months they would have Thomas, Roman would have him in January, May and September. Virgil would have February, June and October. Logan would have March, July, November, and Patton would have April, August and December.

It was April so Patton snuggled up to Thomas's side as he carried on his work, Roman sat on the couch and Virgil flopped on him, he was cuddled to Thomas before and wants to be cuddled again. Roman smiled and hugged him, closing his eyes.

Logan sat next to them, reading his book again. The monthly cuddling worked out and while someone had Thomas the others would have each other.


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