Confessional Argument - Roman x Virgil

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Roman and Virgil were in the mist of an argument, it started an hour ago and they were still going at it.

Patton tried but failed to help, so he and Logan camped out in the real world with Thomas, they're still there and waiting for the other two to calm down.

"Maybe if you stopped insulting me-!"

"I have been trying! It's quite hard, e-..." he cut himself off from throwing and insult and Virgil threw his arms up, glaring.

"See! You almost did it then" Romans jaw clenched and he shut his eyes, breathing in deeply before he spoke his thoughts.

"Ugh! I hate you" He growled out, Virgil was taken back and he was about to reply with the same thing but his brain thought otherwise, because his brain was now not on his side.

"Well...I...I love you!" Virgil yelled back, slapping a hand over his mouth straight after.

He took a small step back, staring at Roman until he looked away, he knew Roman wouldn't return his feelings, he just said he hated him! Spinning around Virgil ran to his room before Roman could protest but Roman wasn't finished, he chased after him.

"Virgil, wait!"

"No! Go away!" Virgil screamed, tears slipping down his cheeks. He entered his room and slammed it shut, a few seconds to spare. Roman stopped himself before he slammed into the door and sighed, putting a hand on the door knob to try and open it but he could feel Virgil keeping it shut.


"No! Just- go away! I know don't love me" Virgil sobbed on the last word, "don't say it, please" he whispered, keeping his full force on the door so Roman couldn't open it. 

"Why do you assume I don't return your feelings?" Roman asked, then there was silence and Roman bobbed on his feet, nervous.

Virgil stopped resting on the door, "you-what?"

"Why do you assume I don't return your feelings?" Roman repeated, licking his dry lips.

Virgil cracked open the door to stare at him, "you said you hated me"

"I the heat of the moment, but I knew if you said it back I could completely break down, I'm sorry for saying it to you but it's not true" Roman explained, feeling guilty.

"So me?"

Roman nodded, "with all my heart"


"Is that all you have to say?" Roman asked with a small smile, Virgil shrugged while blushing.

"I dunno, is it?"

"I don't know either, but I think it is wonderful"

"Course you do" Virgil mumbled, Roman titled his head up and gave him a short kiss.

Virgil blushed and looked down, making Roman smile broaden. "Why wouldn't I? My crush for a few years likes me back!"

Virgil shrugged, "I'm sorry"

"Don't be" Roman wrapped him in a hug, "I love you"

"I love you too, Princey"


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I've nearly finished the book! SCREEEE-

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I've nearly finished the book! SCREEEE-

I'll do two more later then the last A/N and the book will be completè!

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