Dog - Logan x Patton

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"I am going to regret this" Logan sighed, Thomas chuckled and parked the car. "Morality will love him, and you will to"

"Ew, emotions" Thomas giggled and petted the dogs head, after saying goodbye Logan sunk down into Thomas's mind with the dog. He spotted Patton walking out of the kitchen with Virgil following him, they were conversing about Roman.

"I don't know...I think I like-" Virgil stopped himself when he saw Logan and the dog in his arms.

"Why'd you stop, kiddo?" Patton smiled, following Virgils gaze until it landed on Logan. Everything went silent for a few seconds. The calm before the storm, Logan thought to himself.

"OH MY GOSH!" Patton screamed, dashing to Logan and the dog. Patton ruffled and cooed at the dog, making him wag his tail and bark happily, making Patton squeal in delight.

Logan handed the squirming dog to Patton, taking a few steps back.

"HE'S SO CUTE! LOGAN! HE'S ADORABLE!" Patton yelled, giggling as the dog licked him. 

"What have you done?" Virgil asked, staring at the scene.

"I bought Morality a dog" Logan replied like it was obvious. Virgil sighed, shaking his head and murmuring about how Patton will never shut up about the dog for as long as he lives before he vanished off to wherever he goes.

"Why is he here?" Patton asked, still playing with the dog who rolled onto his back.

"I bought him - for you, he's yours" Logan explained, handing him a leash, dog bowl, dog food, dog toys, a dog bed and other things dogs need to survive/live happily with.

"AW! LOGAN THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Dropping all of the things Patton was handed he hugged Logan so tightly he could barely breath.

"Pat- Patton, oxygen!" Patton pulled back, blushing. "Sorry" he giggled before kneeling back down and playing with the dog.

Logan straightened his tie and fixed his shirt. "What's his name?" Patton asked eagerly, scratching a certain part of his body which made his back leg go mad.

"Kipp" the dogs ears perked up at his name being called and he faced Logan, sitting down and letting his tongue stick out. "He's trained" Logan added. Patton hugged the large dog, mumbling how much he will love him for the rest of his life.

"Kipp! So cute!" Kipp licked Patton and the two played around while Logan watched, smiling softly.

He didn't know seeing Morality so happy would make his heart warm and melt at the same time. Metaphorically, of course.

"Thank you so much Logan!" Patton hugged the smarter trait again, kissing him after.

"Just keep the dog away from me"

Patton broke that rule, a lot.

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