Spin The Bottle 2 - Roman x Virgil & Logan x Patton

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Trigger warning: heated making out

This lovely person requested another part of this but with Roman and Virgil plus Logan and Patton soooo here it is!


Roman spun the bottle and it slowly twisted around until it landed on Virgil who's eyes widened. He stared at Prince with a worried and scared look, Roman only smirked and jumped up.

"C'mon Virgil! You have to do it!" Thomas chuckled, Virgil sent his host a glare and stood up, following Roman to the closet.

"I will kill you" he hissed at Thomas who only grinned back. The two went into the closet and the others played cards.

Virgil looked at Roman who looked back at him, a gleam in his eye. "I don't..." he paused, "maybe we could just-" Roman took a step forward and he took a step back, this carrying on until Virgil was pressed against the wall and Roman was directly in front, no means of escapes.

"Could just what?" Roman whispered, leaning in close. His breath fanned Virgils lips and cheeks, goosebumps breaking out across his skin.

"Um...um...I uh...somethin'" Roman chuckled quietly, closing his eyes and kissing Virgil. Virgil clenched his eyes shut and held onto Romans shoulders, shocked Roman would actually kiss him. He just kissed Logan and obviously he couldn't get enough.

Roman pressed his leg in between Virgils legs and Virgil gasped, letting Roman slip his tongue into his mouth and taste every inch, breathing through his nose so he could kiss him for longer.

Virgil eventually got over the initial shock and kissed the royal back, Roman pressing himself close like he did to Logan, hands going down his sides and under his jacket and top.

"M-Roman!" Virgil mumbled against his lips, the feeling of Romans cold hands against his torso was exhilarating.

"Yes?" Roman breathed, pulling back, his eyes wide with lust. Virgil gulped and Roman leaned down to attack his neck, leaving dark marks like he did to Logan, scattered everywhere, his hands going down to his thighs.

(Thicc thighs - I am sorry)

Virgil moaned, his face burning. Roman heard the timer go off outside and he leaned back, panting heavily. Virgil almost collapsed but Roman caught him, smirking.

"I swear to god if you are smirking I will kill you" Virgil panted, fixing his hair and clothes. Roman didn't stop smirking and when Virgil looked at him he punched his arm.

"Ow!" Roman chuckled, rubbing the spot. "After that I get a punch?"

"Yeah, think of it as a way to say never do it again"

Roman only rolled his eyes, "just because you're hard" he teased and Virgil glared at him, storming out of the closet and sitting back in his place, glaring at anyone who would even glance at him.

"My turn, I guess" Logan sighed, spinning the bottle. It landed on Patton, what a surprise, and Roman groaned in misery.

"Oh shut it, you horny pain" Virgil muttered and Roman grinned.

They played cards as Logan took Patton into the closet, both of them not knowing what to do.

"So uh..." Patton nervously met Logan's eyes and Logan thought about what Roman did, thinking that was what they were supposed to do he pressed Patton against the wall and Patton yelped.

"Oh, my apologies. Did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine" Patton smiled reassuringly. Logan nodded and put his hands on Pattons waist, leaning in he pressed his swollen lips on Pattons lips which were also swollen from past kisses.

It wasn't as rough as Romans or as passionate as Virgils, it was just a sweet normal kiss. They pulled back, smiling.

"Is that it-?"

"Kiss me again" Patton cut him off, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him close. Logan nodded and did so, Patton hesitantly licked Logan's lip, making him open his mouth.

The two didn't really know what to do exactly so when their tongues touched they both leaned back, Logan looking flustered and Patton giggling.

Patton stuck his tongue out and unexpectedly Logan licked it, making Patton laugh more. Logan smiled and kissed him again, this time when the tongues touched they didn't pull back, instead they did what their former kissing partners did as best as they could.

The timer went off and Logan leaned back, the two breathing slightly heavily.

"I am not good at this" Logan admitted, fixing his glasses.

"It's okay, Lo! Neither am I" Patton shrugged, smiling. They left the closet and saw Roman and Virgil arguing over the game, Thomas had resorted to going on his phone and Logan sighed.

"They act like children"

"That's because they are children, Logan! My children"

"You know you kissed one of-"

"Shhh, no one needs to know"

"But you-"




Thanks for the request!


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