The Killer 2 - Logan x Patton

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Trigger warning: more murder, stalker

Patton had finished his work for the day and sighed in content. Leaning back and stretching, he jumped when he saw Logan but smiled widely.

"Good morrow" Patton jokingly greeted, Logan sat down opposite and sighed.

"Aw, is being a detective hard work? Does someone need a cookie?"

"This is serious, someone by the name of Eliodoro Vinci has been murdered" Logan sternly stated.

"I have no idea who that is" Patton replied, frowning.

"Someone said that you would know" Logan pressed, Patton leaned back in his seat and hummed in thought.

"I know something" Patton grinned, leaning forward. "If we are talking about the same Eliodoro Vinci his full name - along with his two middle names mean Gift of the sun Heavenly Long haired Conqueror"

Logan was growing impatient, obviously this child-like man didn't know the seriousness of this matter. Pattons grin faltered when he realised Logan was serious, "I know of him - through someone else"

"That Virgil guy?" Patton nodded and like before he went along with Logan to Virgils house.

"He's another guy I hate" Virgil shrugged, answering Logan's question. "He beat me up also"

Patton looked at Logan, thinking of something that might help. "Detective?" He asked, Logan looked at him.

"Has there been more murders before the ones that you've told me?"

"Yes, but that is confidential"

"Well" Patton carried on, "why don't you show Virgil the names? Two so far have been people that used to bully Virgil - what is stopping the others from also being bullies?" Logan thought about it for awhile and slowly nodded.

"That would make sense, and if they are all of his bullies that means..."

"Whoever the killer is wants to protect Virgil!" Patton finished, feeling like a real detective, he wore a smug grin and Logan nodded.

Virgil confirmed that all the people who have died have been people that have bullied him in the past. "If it helps at all" Roman cut in, "I have noticed a man wearing the same clothes always around...Virgil, whenever we are out" Roman explained, using hand gestures.

"Could the killer possibly be a stalker to Virgil?"

"Good deducting skills, Prince" Logan complimented. Virgil hated the thought of having a stalker, Roman noticed his distress and pulled him into a hug, hugs always calmed the rather anxious man down.

"We could be like the famous five! We need a dog!" Patton giggled, clapping his hands.

"But none of you a real detectives-"

"Face it, Sherlock. We have helped you more then you want to admit" Roman cut in, smirking.

Logan sighed and pinched his nose, "if we want to find out if Virgil really has a stalker we shall all go out and if you spot him inform me immediately, understand?"

The others nodded and that settled it, leaving the house they got into Logan's car and drove to the nearest cafe. "Can I get a cake?" Patton asked as soon as they sat down. "And pink lemonade!" He gushed.

"Patton we are here for-"

"I could go for some cake" Virgil cut Logan off and Roman called over a waiter. Logan sighed and gave in, ordering a class of their finest wine.

Patton, Roman and Virgil happily ate their cake while Logan drank his wine slowly, keeping an eye out for any suspicious character outside. He noticed a tall six foot man wearing a dark coat that stretched down all the way to his feet opposite the cafe, standing on the pavement and just...staring.

Logan nudged Roman and pointed at the man, Roman nodded. "That's him"

They all looked and the man carried on walking down the street. "We need to stop him" Logan slapped down some cash on the table and ran after the man, the three other men followed behind.

The dark coat wearing man noticed they were chasing him so he worked up a sprint to get away but Roman was faster, he grabbed the mans arm and pushed him to the floor, Roman sat on top of him and held his arms behind his back.

"Wait!" Patton yelled, "this can be like scooby doo!" He pulled down the mans hood and dramatically gasped, "its you!?"

"You know him?" Logan inquired, cuffing his hands. "No! Anyway, I knew it was you from the beginning!"

"So you do know him?"

"Just let him have his moment" Virgil sighed, Logan rolled his eyes and let Patton go full on scooby doo.

Patton paused, looking at the man expectingly. "This is usually where you tell us your plan and-"

"Could you shut the fuck up?" The man snarled, Patton took a few steps back and Logan suddenly felt angry but he didn't know why. He barely knows Patton! Why would he care if someone told him to shut up?

Logan took the man to the police station, all the while the man screaming at Virgil, telling him that he killed those men for him so they could be together. Virgil found it horrible and he with Roman waited outside the station, Patton was looking in through the window.

Logan walked out and Patton stood in front of him, smiling. "Thank you for your help" He thanked the three, Virgil and Roman told him it was no problem and that they had to leave, so Patton and Logan were left alone.

"Thank you, again" Logan, for the first time in what feels like years actually smiled.

"No problem detective!" Patton was about to go home when he said, "don't forget, you still have my number"

"I won't forget" Logan winked and went back into the station.

It didn't take long for Patton and Logan to start dating, Patton even helped him with a few of his other smaller cases. The two were happy together, people of the town were surprised to see Logan with a different emotion other then anger or nothing at all.

Patton changed him for the better, and Logan couldn't of been happier.


I finished iiiiiiit!!

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And I know it isn't the best detective case kinda thing but I'm not the best with making up a full plot for a crime. Sooo hope you liked it anyway!

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