Sharing - Roman x Virgil

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This song is only used near the end so if you want to listen to it now go ahead!


"Tell me again why we have to share?" Virgil asked, crossing his arms and staring angrily at the three beds.

"Because Virgil" Thomas sighed, "our car broke down, help won't be able to come until tomorrow and this is the closest motel" he explained, taking off his shoes and t-shirt.

"Don't worry, emo nightmare, we won't be sharing" Roman commented, Virgil rolled his eyes and hissed at him.

"Yes you will" Logan spoke up, settling down on the middle bed. "What?" Both Roman and Virgil said at the same time, whipping their heads to stare at the logical side. He sat under the covers, taking off his neck tie and glasses. Patton already laying down next to him, half asleep.

"Me and Patton agreed to sharing" Logan replied nonchalantly.

"I refuse to share with this royal pompous!" Virgil retorted, throwing one arm up at Roman.

"You can share with Thomas" Logan started, laying down. "But he does sleep naked" he finished.

Thomas wore a smug smile as he did a small wave at Virgil and Roman who glared at him. Sighing Virgil undressed, aka took off his shoes because he doesn't want to take off anything else and laid down on the comfy bed.

Roman huffed dramatically, leaning on the cold window. The view was gorgeous, past the small forest which they could see over was a large city, the orange and yellow lights shining brightly and the distant noise of cars just distant enough to be peaceful and not annoying.

Sighing Roman flicked off the lights, the light from the moon and the distant city shining through the wide window. Roman stared out for a few more seconds.

"You're not in a stupid music video" Virgil murmured, his voice slightly muffled. Roman shot him a glare Virgil didn't see and shut the curtains, walking to his side of the bed and laying down, bringing the blanket to his chin.

It was silent for nearly an hour, a few shuffles here and there, surprisingly none of the sides were-

"Ugh! Roman! This is my side!"

...spoke too soon.

"What?! I barely have any space!" Roman retorted, nearly hanging off the end of the bed.

"Move over!"

"I will fall off!"

"That's the point!" He yelled into the pillow, pulling the blanket over him more, giving Roman no cover at all. Roman narrowed his eyes and tugged the blanket, hard. It covered all of him and he grinned, settling down until Virgil rolled up the blanket around himself.

Roman bit back a growl and rolled over, bringing his legs to his chest. He was a noble prince, meaning that he would put everyones needs before his own, if Virgil wants the blanket so much he can have it. Prince will live.

The motel wasn't the warmest place, Prince began to shiver and it was impossible for him to fall asleep. He sighed and stood up, stretching his back and standing in front of the window again, looking at the city. Not nearly as many lights were on and no cars could be heard.

To entertain himself he began to quietly sing a song he recently began to listen to, surprisingly not a Disney song. 

"There's only one thing two do, three words, four you, I love you" he began to smile, glancing at Virgil.

"There's only one way two say those three words, and that's what I'll do, I love you! I love you" he turned back to the window, smiling and rubbing his arms to keep himself warm.

"One, two, three, four, I love you" he sang.

"I love you" He mumbled, casting his eyes down. Suddenly a blanket was wrapped around him and he looked over, Virgil was standing next to him and looking at the city. Roman could see the corner of his mouth was lifted up.

"Nice song" He commented, turning his head to give him a smile. Turning back to the bed Virgil laid down and rolled over, his back facing Roman who was still looking at him. 

Roman looked at the blanket, smiling he pulled it closer to himself and walked to the bed, laying down and throwing the blanket over Virgil, keeping some for himself. The two fell asleep pretty quickly, waking up the next morning closer to each other then they remembered.

But, they didn't mind. In fact, they even cuddled.

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