Human To Animal - Virgil x Thomas & Patton x Roman

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Logan slowly opened his tired eyes and yawned, stretching his body. He looked around his bed and became confused, since when was he this small?...and why does he have furry arms?!

Eyes widening he jumped down from bed and ran to his mirror, once he caught a glimpse he screamed.

His scream woke Patton, his ears perking up. He didn't notice how small he was, nor did he notice he was running on all fours. All he cared about was making sure Logan was alright.

"Logan? Are you okay?" Patton called, running into his room. He saw what looked to be a small fox looking animal standing in front of Logan's mirror and screaming.

Patton looked at it closely and ducked his head down, sniffing it. His eyes widened when he realised he could smell everything and he just smelled the animal!

"Wh-Uh-" he stopped when he looked in the mirror, screaming like the other animal was doing.

"How are you screaming? You are a dog! Oh! I do not care! Why am I a desert fox?! What happened!?" Logan yelled.

"I don't know!" Patton replied, looking at himself in the mirror. He was a puppy golden retriever and Logan paused, turning to face him.



"YOU ARE AN ANIMAL!" They yelled at the same time.

With all the yelling Virgil and Roman woke up, both of them realising they weren't human and screaming also. They all appeared in the real world to go to Thomas who was laying on his couch.

"THOMAS!" They yelled at the same time. Thomas screamed in fright and sat up, screaming again when he saw a lion.

"Thomas! It's me! Roman!" The lion, or Roman, said, taking a few steps closer.

"Wh-what? Roman? What the heck?!" Thomas stammered, still shuffling backwards.

"I woke up like this! Although I do look glorious" Roman smirked, shaking his mane.

"Not the time, moron" Virgil replied, his eyes narrowing. "It's always the time, kitty" Roman mocked. Virgil hissed at him, bending his back slightly.

"You're all animals" it took Thomas a few seconds to process this all. "Yes, I am a desert fox, Patton is a dog, Virgil is a cat and Roman is a lion" Logan explained.

"Why do you and sir sing a lot get cool animals?" Virgil muttered, his long black ear twitching.

"Dogs are cool! And cute!" Patton smiled, but seeing his dog version smile was even cuter.

"You can shape shift so...did you morph into animals?" Thomas questioned, looking at Virgil as he spoke to them all, something about seeing his boyfriend as a cat made him want to cuddle with him for hours.

"Possibly, we were talking about our favourite animals last night" Logan said, pondering.

Roman elegantly strode over to a mirror and looked at himself, pulling back his lips and growling. His eye caught sight of the others and his eyes narrowed, turning around he slowly walked up to them like they were his pray, growling ever so slightly.

"Roman stop pretending to be a real lion" Logan sighed, shaking his head.

But Roman didn't stop, he leapt onto the couch and growled darkly at Logan who actually started to feel scared. He backed away as Roman got closer, "Roman! Stop!" Patton yelled, his voice snapped him out of whatever trance he was in.

"What....what happened?" He asked, blinking.

"It seems you cannot control your animal..." Logan replied, still keeping his distance.

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