Skilled vs Not-So-Skilled - Roman x Patton

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"What's so good about you?" Virgil asked Roman, Roman sat up and stared at him with a look that screams 'challenge accepted'.

"I can play twelve instruments easily, any song I want, I can play. My hair, if you haven't noticed, is always flawless, along with my clothes.  I am always organised with everything I own, I can speak fluently in three different languages, I am greater then all of you!" He finished.

"I can do stuff, too!" Patton grinned.

"Like what?"

"I once at fifteen cookies in a row! I tripped over my shoelace! I can fight two thousand bees!" Patton said happily.

"Two thousand bees? You can not do that-"

"If my Patton says he can fight two thousand bees, he can fight two thousand bees" Roman cut him off, his eyes narrowed. Logan sighed and shook his head, Patton smiled and hugged him.

"Thank yoooou!"

"You're welcome, Patton"


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