Forgotten Anniversary - Roman x Virgil

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Hey I'm a fuck and forgot to add the X thing hahahahahha end me


Virgil woke up extra early today because it was his and Romans anniversary, he was very excited. He changed into his usual clothes, brushed his hair, put on make up and left to Romans room.

The Prince was still asleep but Virgil didn't mind, he stood by his bed and rocked on his feet anxiously.

He stared at Romans resting face with a smile, he looked cute. Roman stirred and stretched his arms, not expecting Virgil to be standing by his bed.

With a smile and a small wave Roman yawned and sat up, "good morning, Dearest" he mumbled, pulling Virgil onto his bed for a morning hug.

"Sup" Virgil mumbled, still smiling slightly.

Roman rested his head on Virgils shoulder and closed his eyes. "Special day today" Virgil mused, thinking about what they could do together.

"Yeah? Whys that?" Roman mumbled against his skin, Virgils heart dropped slightly.

"You...don't remember?" Virgil asked, a hint of sadness in his voice. Roman lifted his head, "it's not your birthday, it's not my's not anyone's birthday, I'm sorry Dearest, I don't know"

Virgil stood up from Romans grasp and left the room without another word, leaving a very confused Roman behind. For the rest of the day Virgil stayed in his room, Roman had tried asking for him to come out but he never replied.

"Patton! I don't know what's wrong!" Roman exasperated, collapsing onto the couch with a huff.

"What's the date today?"

"October 24th" Roman replied, not knowing why this would help.

"And what happened last October 24th?" Patton smiled, watching as realisation dawned on Romans face. He sat bolt upright, "oh no..." he mumbled and dashed to Virgils room.

"Virgil! Dearest! I'm so sorry!" Roman said instantly, knocking on the door a few times. "I forgot! Its been pretty hectic lately...I'm really sorry, happy anniversary!" Roman felt immensely bad and he bit his lip, staring at the door.

"Please, Dearest" he whimpered loud enough for him to hear. "I don't like being away from you"

Roman heard shuffling and the door opened, Virgil stared at him with a deadpan expression. "I'll make it up to you! I promise!" Roman exclaimed, sincerity and guilt in his eyes. Virgil nodded and looked away from him, still not talking.

"S'fine really...I overreacted, it's not important anyway" Virgil shrugged, opening his door more as an invitation for Roman but he shook his head, kissing Virgils cheek.

"No, this day is the most important day of the year, more important than Christmas, Easter, my birthday, thanks giving, all of them! Just give me a few hours, okay?" Roman asked desperately, Virgil bit back a small smile and nodded, watching Roman run off.

Hours passed and Virgil was becoming tired, what was he doing that was taking this long? Virgil thought, rolling onto his side. He heard a knock on the door and slowly standing up he opened it to see Roman standing there, he looked exhausted but he held out his hand for Virgil to take.

"What did you do?" The dark side asked, both of them walking to Romans room.

"You'll see soon, Dearest. I hope you like it" he added, smiling softly.

"Anything you do I'll like" Virgil shrugged. Stopping outside of Romans room he turned to his boyfriend, "close your eyes" Roman smiled. Virgil sighed but did so, Roman picked him up and placed him in front of what he spent hours on creating. Checking to make sure it was perfect he moved Virgils hands away from his eyes.

Virgil gasped, his mouth falling open and his eyes going as wide as saucers. He was at a loss for words.

Roman stood behind him, nervously waiting for his opinion on what he had created.

"Roman..." Virgil whispered, taking a few steps closer.

"This did you...oh my gosh" Virgil spun around and hugged Roman tightly, Roman sighed out in relief and hugged him back.

"How did you do this? You were gone for, like" he did math, "you did this in five hours? I can' my gosh" Roman chuckled and pressed a kiss to Virgils head.

In front of Virgil, the thing he was freaking out over, was a mural on Romans wall. Roman had painted Virgils favourite picture of him and Roman, where his bangs covered his eyes and a blanket was wrapped around him like he was a burrito, and Roman holding him close to his chest, eyes closed.

Patton and taken it and Virgil loved it ever since.

He had recreated it on his entire wall in five hours, and Virgil forgave him completely.

"You never fail to surprise me, Puppy" Virgil chuckled still in shock, shaking his head and turning around to face Roman who was grinning.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven, Dearest?"

"Uh, yes" Virgil said in a duh tone, Roman smiled and they shared a hug.


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