Break Up Cheer up - Logan x Patton

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Thomas was upset, his boyfriend for seven months had broken up with him because he said that it 'wasn't working out' even though it was going perfectly.

Even if Thomas was immensely upset he wasn't as upset as Morality, him being the heart and all he felt like his own heart had been ripped from his chest and stomped on repeatedly even though it wasn't his boyfriend.

Roman and Virgil were trying to cheer Thomas up while Logan went in search for the Dad like trait, knowing he would be affected the most.

Knocking on his door Logan took a step back, "Patton?" He called. "I would like to speak with you"

Patton got up from his bed and cleaned his eyes from tears, plastering on a fake smile he opened his bedroom door. "Hey Lo! What's up?" He asked with fake happiness, Logan seeing through him instantly.

"Patton, do not try to hide your emotions, you are as upset as Thomas is and I would like to try and cheer you up" Logan explained, walking in. Patton closed the door and sighed, letting his act drop.

"I'm just really upset" he sniffed, the tears already staring again. "I thought it was going so well" he cried.

"We all did, Patton. Now we know that he was not good enough for Thomas - he definitely deserves better than someone who would drop him as fast as he did" Logan replied, putting a hand on Pattons shoulder for comfort.

"I have come up with a few ideas to lighten your mood - you can choose from this list, here" Logan handed Patton the paper and with slightly blurred vision Patton read over it a few times.

"C-can we do...everything?" Patton asked hesitantly, rubbing his eye and giving Logan the paper back.

"Of course" Logan smiled, wiping away a stray tear from Pattons cheek. Logan set to work, getting all the lego he could find in the mind and setting it all up in the main room. Patton sat on the couch, grabbing a tissue every now and then to blow his nose and wipe his eyes.

Patton had enjoyed building different things with the Lego, obviously not going as detailed as Logan did as he had built a fully functional Tardis with time travel and everything, they finally finished and moved onto the second thing.

Baking - something Logan knew Patton enjoyed very much. "I was thinking we could make-"

Patton cut him off, "brownies?" He began to sniffle, "Thomas's ex loved those...I made them for him sometime-"

"Hey, no, no, this is a safe zone" Logan gestured around, "we do not think, speak, or hear about him here, okay?" Patton nodded and smiled weakly, they began to bake and made different flavoured cupcakes, Patton having fun and soon forgetting about the ex.

Once they finished, though, the thoughts came back and Patton frowned again. Logan noticed and adjusted his glasses, "the final thing on the list was to watch a movie of your choosing - I understand if you do not want to do that... I have tried but maybe you should speak to Virgil or Roman about this, they might help you more-"

"Lo! No" Patton gave him a small smile, Patton has enjoyed his time spent with the logical side and it warmed his broken heart that Logan, someone who never expresses their emotions often and usually doesn't get involved with emotional stuff, would do this for him.

"I would love to watch a movie with you, you've made me forget about him mostly and I'd like to thank you for, thank you!" Patton hugged him and walked into the living room.

Logan...smiled, feeling happy that he helped Patton. They put on the movie and during it Patton and scooted closer and closer to Logan, eventually they cuddled and both fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning Patton was happy again, even if Thomas has lost his boyfriend (ex-boyfriend) that doesn't mean he won't find another, and Patton was more then happy to be with Logan.


Yayayayayaya! I'm back from camping

Last night = three hours of sleep. THREE!?!? THREE!!??

It. Was. Hell.

I basically slept on a hard, cold floor and these people wouldn't stop laughing, ugh! Never again!

Anyway thank you!

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