I'll help - Roman x Patton

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Patton put the last dish away and smiled tiredly, he rubbed his stinging eyes and yawned. Today he has been extra productive in cleaning in his side of the mind, Thomas's house, even Virgils and Logan's rooms.

Now all he had to do was clean Romans room and he'd be finished. Although it tires him out he knows the others are busy with videos and other things, he doesn't them to waste their time cleaning when he could do it.

Besides, it makes him feel useful.

He appeared in Romans side of the mind, stumbling slightly from his lack of energy. "Why hello Patton, how can I help you?" Roman asked, startling the Dad like trait.

"Oh hey Roman! I'm just here to help" he paused his sentence to yawn, "clean" he finished.

Roman rose his eyebrow, watching as Patton began to tidy even if he was about to drop at my second. Shaking his head fondly, Roman walked to Patton and wrapped his arms around his already falling over figure.

"Patton, you don't need to do that"

"Yeah I dooo" he slurred, unconsciously pushing himself further into Roman.

(That can be taken in more ways then one...😏^)

"You can barely stand! Let alone clean this mess" Patton closed his eyes for a few seconds, completely blanking out what Roman had said.

His eyes snapped open and he stumbled away from Roman, "I need clean" he mumbled and went back to it. Roman crossed his arms and watched in amusement as Patton tried to stand straight while cleaning.

"Patton, dear..."

"No, I'm fiii-" he yawned, not even finishing his sentence. Roman chuckled to himself, heading over to Patton and picking him up in his arms.

"Noooo, roooman" he whined but wrapped his arms and legs around Roman anyway. Roman took Patton to his room and laid him down on the bed, kissing his forehead.

"Goodnight, love"

Patton was already asleep and Romans smile broadened.

Roman left back to his own room and he cleaned it up before he went to sleep too. The next morning Patton sat up and stretched, memories of last night flashing back and he gasped when he realised he didn't finish cleaning Romans room!

Putting on his glasses Patton went to Romans room, to find it clean already. Confused Patton glanced at Roman who walked over to him.

"I thought I didn't finish?" Patton asked, confused. Roman thought he was adorable.

"No, I did"

"But...I could've done it"

Roman held Pattons hand, kissing his cheek. "Patton, you shouldn't feel responsible for cleaning my room, you shouldn't clean Logan's or Virgils either, they can do it themselves"

"I wouldn't want them to waste time..."

"Cleaning is something everyone should do, not just you, you might be the parent-like trait but that doesn't mean you have to clean everything" Patton opened his mouth to protest but Roman spoke again. 

"I'll help"


"Yes, whenever something needs cleaning call me and I'll help you"

"Oh, no Roman, I couldn't ask you that...I'm fine by myself, really!" Patton smiled but Roman wasn't buying it.

"Over working yourself can be bad for your health, you should know this, one time you literally forced Logan to take a few days off as he had over worked by an hour"

Patton smiled, hugging Roman. "Are you sure? You've been so busy lately"

"That doesn't mean I have any less time to spend with my favourite trait"

"Favourite?" Patton frowned slightly.

"Its you, silly"

"...oh! You're my favourite too!"

Roman smiled fondly, kissing his forehead.

"Promise to call me when you need help cleaning?"

"I promise"

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