Where's Roman - No Ship

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"Where's Roman?" Thomas randomly asked, looking around the room. He was with his sides, all but Roman which was weird.

"I don't know, kiddo, maybe he's fighting witches!" Patton exclaimed, grinning.

"Just don't encourage him to come here, it's annoying enough without him" Virgil grumbled.

"If you really need him" Logan started, sitting up and clearing his throat.


"I can show you the world!" Logan began, suddenly Roman appeared from behind the couch, startling Virgil.

"SHINING, SHIMMERING SPLENDID!" He screamed, throwing his arms up.

Virgil grumbled and threw a cushion at him, Patton giggled and Logan went back to reading.

"Hey, Roman!" Thomas smiled

"No time Thomas, I'm in the middle of a battle" Roman said, grabbing his sword and holding it up.

"But you had time for a Disney song?" Virgil questioned, giving him a weird look.

"Virgil, Virgil, Virgil" Roman sighed, suddenly wearing sunglasses he didn't have before.

"Everyone has time for Disney" he stated, sinking down and disappearing.

Virgil shook his head, sighing. "I hate him"


Idk tbh

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