Prank 2 - Logan x Patton

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Trigger warning: Spiders

After the prank Virgil pulled with Pattons help, Logan and Roman decided to join forces and prank them back. They went to Romans room to plan it out.

"We could prank them by saying all the Disney movies have broken!" Roman offered.

"Unrealistic - it would only work on you" Logan shot his idea down.

"Uh, rude" Roman sighed, "how about saying Thomas got hurt?"

"Thomas is busy and Virgil probably would not care as much" Logan replied.

Roman sighed, "why don't you think of something then, smart ass"

Logan shot him a look, Roman only used that language when he wasn't around Patton. "You are the creative side! You really can not think of anything?" Logan exasperated.

Roman looked away in thought, minutes passed and Logan was about to give up when Roman clicked his fingers and smirked.

"Got it"


Virgil and Patton were peacefully watching tv when the light flickered and shut off. Virgil sighed.

"Princey stop being annoying!" He called, Roman didn't reply and ran to the tv, shutting it off and letting the room fall to complete darkness.

"Kiddo! I was watching that!" Patton mumbled but ended up smiling anyway.

Roman did what he came to do and turned on the lights, leaving the room.

"What is he up to" Virgil grumbled, looking over his shoulder at the closed door.

Patton turned back on the tv and they watched it for awhile longer until Virgil saw a large black thing scurry across the floor from under the tv.

His eyes widened and Patton noticed also, they both screamed at the top of their lungs at the same time and jumped over the back of the couch, sprinting to the door and slamming the door shut behind them.

"What the hell was that!?" Virgil yelled, backing away from the door.

"I don't know...I don't know" Patton repeated, visibly shaking and scared.

Virgil turned around and looked down at the ground, his mouth fell open and he screamed again backing into the door. Patton looked and joined in on Virgils hysterics, cowardly pushing themselves against the door and holding each other. Both petrified.

"IT'S MOVING! VIRGIL IT'S MOVING!" Patton cried and hid his head behind Virgils shoulder, actually crying from how scared he was.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Virgil screamed back and closed his eyes.

Roman and Logan watched from afar. "We might have taken it a bit too far..." Logan sighed, Roman agreed and the two walked over. Roman picked up the tarantula and made it vanish, walking to the two quivering sides.

"Patton, Virgil. It is gone" Logan said, he only then noticed Pattons tears and he felt guilty, pulling Patton up and hugging the shaking man.

Roman pulled Virgil into his arms and the two sides who pranked them hugged them tightly.

"God I-I hate you so much" Virgil whispered to Roman but didn't want to let go.

"I know, I am sorry my prince, it will never happen again" Roman promised, kissing him sweetly.

"Patton, there is nothing to be scared off. It is just a silly spider, I will protect you from any spider that comes near you again, okay?" Patton nodded slowly and hugged Logan tighter.

When they all agreed to never prank each other again they all forgot about the tarantula in the living room...


I dididididid iiiiiittttttttt! :3

Also look at dis

Dat number is so close to 666

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Dat number is so close to 666


Anywho thanks for requesting part dos!

Anywho thanks for requesting part dos!

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