Lost - Patton x Logan

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Trigger warning: almost-kidnapping

"I don't wanna be here!" Virgil complained.

"Want to" Logan corrected, "and we can not leave you home alone, Virgil. You are only ten, something bad could happen" Logan explained to him for the seventh time. Virgil frowned and crossed his arms, "I can take care of myself!"

"We trust you Virgil! We don't trust other people, what if someone broke in and hurt you?" Patton replied, kissing his head and moving to a different aisle with Logan and Virgil following behind.

Virgil huffed and out of anger he knocked down a bunch of boxes, immediately regretting it. Patton gasped, "Virgil!" He scolded, helping Logan and picking them back up. "Don't do that! We know you're angry but we do not destroy things that aren't ours" Virgil didn't like being told off, it's why he rarely did anything bad.

"And now other people are staring" Patton sighed, Logan held his hand and soothed him quietly, leaving Virgil to feel guilty. Not wanting to do anything else naughty he scurried down a few aisle, away from where most people shopped.

Turning a corner Virgil crashed into someone's leg, he fell back with a yelp. The owner of the leg looked down and smirked at the boy, holding out a hand he said "oh, are you okay? Here, let me help you" really creepily.

Virgil stared at him in fear, remembering the many times his Dad and Daddy* had told him to stay away from strangers, especially strangers that looked this creepy. He scrambled to his feet and ran away, ignoring the calls from the stranger.

(*Don't you dare)

"Dad!" He cried, falling over a few times as he ran aimlessly around the empty part of the shop.

Oh no, he was lost! Why had he ran away?! Oh, he's such an idiot!

Back with Logan and Patton both of them worriedly searched around, calling his name. It's a big shop.

"Patton why can't we find him!?" Logan said, frantically looking into different aisles.

"I don't know, just calm down-"

"I can not calm down! What if he gets hurt? What if the wrong people find him? You know what people are like these days!"

"In a shop? No one would dare to try and drag a child away in such a public place, stop thinking like that, okay? We will find him" Patton reassured him, kissing his cheek.

"He won't leave the shop, he's probably looking for us now"

"Yes, I suppose you are right. Thank you, love"

Meanwhile Virgil had collapsed onto the floor, crying. Irrational thoughts clouded his mind, what if he never finds his parents? What if that man finds him again? What if he becomes lost forever?!

In his state he didn't notice another boy turn into the same aisle as him. "Hello!" He smiled but frowned in confusion, why was he crying?

"Are you okay? Why would you want to cry in such an amazing shop as this!?" The little boy exclaimed, sitting opposite Virgil. Virgil sniffled and rubbed his eyes, looking at the boy.

"I-I can't find my-my parents" he sobbed, the boy frowns deepened and he looked down the aisle.

"I can help! I love saving people!" The boy grinned, standing up and helping Virgil up too.

"Th-thank you" Virgil mumbled, suddenly someone roughly grabbed his arm and Virgil screamed, turning he saw the man from before and he covered Virgils mouth. The boys eyes widened and he thought fast, he picked up a pot from the shelf and threw it hard at the mans head, it shattered and the man groaned in pain.

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