No One Cares About The Prince 2 - Virgil x Roman

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It took weeks for the sides to find Roman after he vanished, he was far into the imagination sitting on a roof in one of the many villages that subsided there. He technically hasn't ducked out, he still let Thomas be creative and keep his ego but he thought they would all prefer it if he wasn't there anyway.

"I can't lose him" Virgil whispered, Logan and Patton walking beside him, calling Romans name.

"We will not lose him, Virgil" Logan reassured the best he could, Virgil rubbed his eyes with his long sleeves.

"What if we do, Logan? What if we never find him!? He doesn't know I love him! I -"

"Do not think about the 'what ifs' it will only make the situation worse, try and think what will happen when we find him" Logan cut him off, Virgil did that, he imagined telling Roman he loved him and Roman coming back with them.

Until his bad thoughts clouded his mind and he imagined Roman hating them.


"ROMAN!" Patton screamed and sprinted towards a village, "what?" Virgil yelled, Logan and Virgil scanned the village and saw their Roman sitting on a flat roof, his legs swinging back and forth, headphones on, mouth moving with the silent lyrics that escaped into the air.

"Oh my gosh, Roman!" Virgil sprinted after Patton and Logan sighed, he was happy that they found Roman but he doesn't do running. He ran the fastest he could, watching Virgil barge into the house and presumably up the stairs.

Patton stood under Roman, gaining the Prince's attention. "Pat-?" He didn't have time to finish before two arms wrapped around his torso tightly and sobs sounded behind him.


"Roman, you...oh I hate you!" Virgil yelled, spinning Roman around and pressing his lips against his in a short kiss. Roman froze, his eyes wide open. Virgil hugged him again and hid his face in his neck, crying hard.

"No-I don't hate you...I love you, but oh I hate you!"

Roman hugged back, his guilt he had felt for a few days growing by tenfold. Logan and Patton raced up the stairs and Patton hugged him also, dragging the two away from the edge a bit. Logan sat on his legs, awkwardly watching.

"Please don't leave again!" Patton cried, checking him over for any sort of injury.

"I didn't think you guys would care" He whispered, "Roman, do not think like that, of course we care, if we did not care would we search day and night for you for weeks? Would Patton and Virgil be crying this hard if they did not care?" Logan said, knitting his eyebrows together.

Roman finally hugged Patton and Virgil back, shrugging. "I wanted to do what was best-"

"You thought leaving was the best option?!" Virgil cut him off, yelling. He was angry at him but it was nothing compared to the relief and love he also felt.

Roman frowned and pushed the two away, standing up. "Yes, I thought you of all people would understand" Roman frowned, walking towards the stairs.

Virgil ran towards him, grabbing his arm and pulling him around forcefully.

"I'm not losing you again" he cried sternly, his grip tightening.

"You already have..." Roman whispered, pulling his arm away and disappearing down the stairs.

Virgil clenched his hands shut, his nails digging into his palms. He refused to let this go, he refused to let him go, he didn't-couldn't lose him, not now, not after the pain he had been through for weeks, never again.

Virgil dashed down the stairs, missing a few steps, he ran to the doorway and saw Roman heading down the gravel path in the middle of the village, people looking at him with sympathy. Virgil ran after him.

"Roman! Stop!" He stood in front of the Prince, glaring.

"You are not going!"

"Yes I am"

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am!"

"No! Shut up! I won't let you go again! I ...I can't Roman, not again, please" Virgil begged, grabbing his arm with both of his hands. Roman closed his eyes and turned his head the other way, trying to push away his emotions.

He can't go through what they put him through before, if it was intentional or not...but, he opened his eyes and looked at Virgil, he could see the same pain he felt swimming in his dark eyes which were filled with tears.

"What if the same thing happens? What if I have to go through that pain again? Virgil...I'm sorry-"

"Don't think about the what ifs" Virgil cut in, gripping his hand tighter. "Please just...I love you, Roman, I promise that how we treated you will never happen again, you know you don't really want to go, and I can't let you go, neither can Logan or Patton...please" he whispered on the end.

Roman stared at him, feeling his own eyes fill with tears, Virgil was right, he didn't want to leave, he never wanted to leave, he wanted what was best for the sides, now he knows it was stupid off him.

Pulling Virgil into a hug they gripped each other tightly.

"I don't know what I would do without you, Virgil" Roman whispered.

"You would do stupid things"

They both chuckled and Roman smiled, promising himself he would never leave again.


Thanks for everyone who requested a part two!

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