Spin The Bottle 3 - Patton x Roman x Logan x Virgil

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We meet again spin the bottle

I had another requestamondo!

Side note, my dog just bit me ☹️


"I think we should stop playing now" Logan spoke up, "it is getting late"

"But that's not fair!" Roman complained but the rest agreed, he huffed and crossed his arms in a pout. Thomas put away the bottle and his sides bid him farewell before going into his mind.

They all sat in their living room, none meeting the others gaze. "Did anyone else...feel....something when we kissed...or is it just me?" Patton asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"No, I felt it too" Roman agreed. "I...I guess I did" Virgil mumbled, they all looked at Logan who stared back in thought.

"I suppose I did feel something I have never felt before, what could it mean?" He inquired, looking at Patton.

"It could mean we all like each other?"

"But we haven't kissed everyone" Logan replied, he was correct, Roman hasn't kissed Patton and Logan hasn't kissed Virgil. Roman wasted no time to stand up and bring Patton into his arms, kissing him deeply.

"We are right here....you do not care" Logan sighed and looked at Virgil who looked away.

Let's get this over with, Logan thought. He walked to Virgil and he kissed him before Virgil could protest, as if he would protest anyway. They all felt the same thing they did before, Logan and Virgil stopped first, Roman was still going at it with Patton - both of them enjoying it immensely.

"Ahem" Logan interrupted them, Roman pulled back and Patton stared at him, dazed. Roman was very good at kissing.

"Did you feel it?"

"Are you feeling it now, Mr Krabs?" Patton giggled, still in Romans arms, not touching the ground.

"This is serious, Patton"

"Yes, I did feel it" Roman answered, the others agreed and they all looked away from each other.

"Does that mean we're all dating now?" Patton asked, a grin forming on his face.

"I think it does" Roman winked, Patton giggled and Logan sighed.

"Yes, I suppose we are...but this hasn't made me any less tired so goodnight" Virgil grabbed his hand, stopping him from leaving.

"We can all sleep in Romans bed, its big enough" Virgil offered, Patton cheerily agreed.

"Fine" Logan smiled.

They went to Romans room, with a click of their fingers they were all in pyjamas. Patton got in first, Logan laid on the left while Roman laid on the right. Virgil had to be difficult and he flopped onto all of them, earning a few groans.


"You can not sleep over us, Virgil" Logan said, looking down at him.

"I can and I will" he replied, closing his eyes. Logan shook his head and fell asleep quickly.

Patton felt warm and safe which helped him sleep faster, Roman cuddled up to his side and fell into his deep slumber as well.

If they decided to not play that game none of them would've realised their feelings for the one another...


And this OneShot is finished! As much as I like it I think I squeezed all I could from it

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