Christmas Decorating - Logan x Roman

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Logan was decorating the Christmas tree in the living room with no help from anyone whats so ever. Apparently Virgil was "asleep" and Patton was busy decorating his own room, most of the decorations he hadn't even taken down from last year.

Logan flicked on the lights and sighed when they didn't work, looking around the tree he saw a loose bulb at the top and sighed louder. He didn't have the ladder so he climbed the sturdy tree, luckily he had only put on the lights.

Reaching the bulb he screwed it in, the other lights flicking on. He smiled but frowned when he realised something...

He was stuck.

Roman, who was in the same room, was laying on the couch, half asleep when he heard Logan call to him.


"Roman! Wake up! You can not seriously be tired!" Roman mumbled and sat up, yawning.

"What? Who?"


"Hmm? What? Oh, Logan!" Roman jumped up, seeing Logan in the tree.

"What is it, dearest?" Roman asked with a smile.

"I am stuck" came Logan's hesitant reply, Roman snorted, holding a hand over his mouth. Logan rolled his eyes and sighed, watching Roman fail to hold back his laughter and collapse to the floor.

"Roman...! Help me!" Logan said angrily, Roman rolled around, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, dearest! I-You-Haha!" He laughed again and Logan groaned quietly, looking away.

Suddenly two strong arms wrapped around Logan's waist. "Roman-!" He yelled as he was pulled down into Roman, his feet dangling just above the ground as Roman held him tightly, still chuckling lightly.

"How did you get stuck?"

"I hate you"

"Dearest" Roman smiled and kissed his cheek, and forehead, and chin, and nose, and-"

"I. Get. It" Logan clapped, "You. Like. Kisses!"

Roman only smiled and kissed his lips, Logan melted into him and kissed back.

Later that day Logan was outside with Roman, he was on the ladder putting the decorations on the house. Roman was smiling up at Logan, he did have a great view of his ass from down their.

It was quite windy that day, a large gust of wind tilted the ladder a bit and Logan's eyes widened, he gripped the roof and froze until the wind calmed down.

"You okay, dearest?" Roman asked.

"I am fine" Logan replied, going back to the decorations. Another gust of wind sent the ladder titling and Logan screamed as he fell, Roman jumped to action and caught Logan in his arms, Logan clung to him in fear, staying as still as he possibly could while shaking.

"I think that is enough decorating for now" Roman whispered and Logan nodded, petrified.

Logan has gotten over the fright of falling, he walked down the hall to the living room to find his boyfriend when he paused, singing could be heard and Logan instantly knew it was Roman.

"Silent night, holy night. All is calm, all is bright" Roman sung softly, smiling at the small moving decorations. Logan watched him in the doorway silently, the angelic voice making his heart flutter and warm.

"Round yon virgin, Mother and child. Holy infant so tender and mild, sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace" Roman smiled. Logan quietly walked over to him and sat beside, reaching out and holding his hand.

"You have a beautiful voice" Logan commented, Roman only smiled and kissed his cheek.

"So do you, dearest"

Roman had an idea and got up, turning on a slow Christmas song and reaching out his hand towards Logan who stared at it.

"Dance with me?" He smiled.

"I can not d-" Roman pulled him up and settled a hand on his waist, holding his hand in the other.

"Thomas can which means you can" Roman smiled, Logan sighed but danced around the room with him, smiling bashfully.



"I love you"

Logan blushed, "I...Love you too, Roman"




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