You're Not My Boyfriend - Logan x Virgil x Patton

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"Patton! I need your help" Virgil had said, walking into Morality's room. Morality looked up with a smile, standing he headed to the sad looking dark trait.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I..." Virgil sighed and ducked his head. "I'm sorry" he began, pulling his sleeves over his hands.

"For what?" Patton asked, concerned.

" know you're dating Logan?" Patton nodded for Virgil to continue, "well...I....Ugh, this is so hard" he breathed in deeply and Patton put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"You can tell me anything" Patton smiled softly.

"You won't be mad?"

"No! Of course not!"

Virgil sighed, fidgeting with his sleeves. "I...I think I like him" He whispered, casting his eyes down.

Patton didn't say anything for a few seconds and Virgil felt himself become more worried and guilty with every passing second.

"You like him?" Patton questioned for clarification. Virgil nodded, "I'm so sorry Pat-"

"Are you sure?"


"Are you sure you like him?"

"I don't know...I...I don't know" Virgil dropped his head and Patton thought for a few minutes.

"I have an idea" Patton smiled again, Virgil lifted his head.

"Logan's been all affectionate recently...I have taught him a few things" Patton winked, "so if you dress up as me he will be affectionate towards you and if you like it then we know you like him!"

"What? We can't do that, Pat...that's, like...he'd hate us" Patton shook his head and held Virgils hand.

"He could never hate us! And I want what's best for you, emotions can be confusing" Patton smiled, Virgil twisted his mouth left to right before sighing.

"You think it will work?"


"What happens if we find out I do like him?"

"We deal with it when we need to" Patton replied.

Virgil agreed and a few hours later Patton and Virgil walked out of Pattons rooms wearing their clothing, Virgil fidgeted with the cardigan while Patton grinned, gushing over his clothes.

"Are you sure this will work?" Virgil asked again as the two headed to the living room.

"Oh, I'm sure!" Patton grinned.

"Well we have to act like each other so..." Virgil cleared his throat, ready to do his best impression of Patton, Patton watching in anticipation.

Opening his mouth he said!

".....cookies, love, dogs!"

Patton giggled, covering his mouth. "Yep, I'm the worst"

"No!" Patton laughed, "its okay, just act happily and bubbly all the time!"

"Easier said then done" Virgil sighed, "you have to act like me as well" he added.

"Oh, yeah" Patton smiled but dropped it, he hunched over slightly and put his hands in his pockets, "Ugh...whatever" he grumbled.

"Wow, impressive" Virgil commented. "How is that so easy for you?"

"I should know how my favourite side acts!" Patton smiled but it dropped when he realised what he said.

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