Midnight Texting - Patton x Thomas

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Patton tossed and turned in his bed, whimpering and gripping the pillow tightly, tears streaming down his face. His nightmare was only getting worse and he couldn't wake up.

"N-no!" He cried, "stop!" He was stuck in the nightmare for another ten minutes before he suddenly woke up, screaming. He grabbed the blanket and sat on the corner of his bed, shaking and crying.

He looked around his room in panic, not daring to move from the safety of his bed. He grabbed his phone and texted Thomas.

Patton - Thomas?

Patton - Thomas, please reply

Patton - I need to know if you're okay!

Patton - Thomas! Thomas!!! Please!!!!!!

Woah Patton are you okay? - MyBoo!!ILoveHim!!❤️❤️❤️

Patton sighed in relief, his heart thumping fast. He couldn't bare to think if something bad happened to Thomas.

Patton - I'm sorry for waking you up! I had a bad dream...I wanted to make sure you were okay!

I'm okay Honey nothing has happened - MyBoo!!ILoveHim!!❤️❤️❤️
Do you want to talk about it? It might help - MyBoo!!ILoveHim!!❤️❤️❤️

Patton - You got hurt, I couldn't help you! What if
that happens in real life, Thomas??!! What if
I can't help you?!!????!!!!?!?!?

Patton honey calm ill be there as fast as
I can okay? - MyBoo!!ILoveHim!!❤️❤️❤️

Patton - You don't have to, I wouldn't
want to disturb your sleep!

Do you want me to? - MyBoo!!ILoveHim!!❤️❤️❤️

Patton - yeah...

Then I'm coming hang tight. I love you! - MyBoo!!ILoveHim!!❤️❤️❤️

Patton - I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️

Patton brought his legs to his chest, waiting for Thomas to appear, a few seconds later he did, sitting on his bed and bringing the shaking Patton into his arms, calming him down while running a hand through his hair and drawing patterns into his back softly.

"I promise nothing bad will happen to me or anyone else, okay?" Thomas whispered, Patton nodded and cuddled into him further, falling asleep against him. Thomas stayed with him the rest of the night, keeping his Honey protected in his arms.






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Also I got the idea from this:

Thomas said he couldn't remember texting this to Joan 😂

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Thomas said he couldn't remember texting this to Joan 😂

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