Scary Dad - Patton & Virgil

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"He can't be that scary" Virgil denied, crossing his arms. Roman and Logan both gave him a look, "you have not witnessed his "scary Dad mode"" Roman said, shuddering after it.

"Oh come on, I thought you were a prince?"

"I am!" Roman replied, "but every prince fears something, and that something is Patton"

"You seem to forget Patton is Thomas's deep emotions, he holds Thomas's anger, he can get really mad which is scary" Logan explained. Virgil rolled his eyes, not believing the other two.

They made an agreement, Virgil will annoy Patton all day and if he doesn't get scared they both owe him ten dollars, if he does get scared then...they can say I told you so, because Virgil refuses to give them money.

Virgil found Patton pretty quickly and sat next to the parent like trait. "Hey kiddo!" He smiled, turning to him.

"Sup, Dad" he replied. Turning to face Patton he poured water on his crotch, Patton gasped and shuffled away, staring at him in confusion and shock.

"Why...why did you do that?"

"You peed yourself" Virgil shrugged, leaving the glass on the couch and vanishing. Patton stayed still for a few seconds, utterly confused, before he went to his room to change. Half an hour later Virgil stood in the doorway of the kitchen, watching Patton go around, grabbing food for lunch.

"Daaaaad?" He dragged out, Patton turned to him with a smile. "Heyo kiddo!"

"Would you be mad if I said fuck?"

Patton gasped, "Virgil! Language!"

"English" Virgil smirked, Patton shook his head and put the food in his hands on the counter. "You know better!"

Virgil paused and Patton went back to cooking, "Daaaaaad?" He asked again, Patton chuckled.


"Fuuuuck, shiiiiit, asss, diiiiic-"

"VIRGIL!" Patton yelled, "Language!"

"English" Patton only sighed and ignored him, Virgil frowned, it was going to take awhile.

Later Virgil purposely pushed a vase off of a counter, the loud smash alerted Patton and he dashed to the scene.

"Are you okay, kiddo!?" He asked frantically. Virgil nodded, "yeah...the vase fell" he mumbled.

"Oh, how?"

"I pushed it"

"Wh-" Patton paused, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "But...why?"

"I felt like it...could you clean it up? I wouldn't want to hurt myself" Virgil stuck out his bottom lip and Patton agreed instantly, cleaning the pieces and putting them into a bin. Virgil thought for sure that would anger him...

A few hours passed and Virgil had been doing a few more things to annoy Patton, it would be a lie to say Patton wasn't slightly annoyed.

Virgil knew Logan was walking down the hallway with Patton so at the right moment he stuck his foot out, tripping Logan.

"Logan!" Patton exclaimed, helping the logical side up. "Are you okay?"

"I am fine" Logan mumbled, sending Virgil a small glare before he carried on his walk.

"Why did you do that, kiddo?" Patton asked. Virgil shrugged.

"ROMAN!" He screamed, soon enough he heard the footsteps of Roman dashing down the hall, he stuck out his foot much like for Logan and Patton watched in horror as Roman was sent crashing to the ground, Virgil actually snorted.

"That's it" Patton helped Roman up and Roman knew Virgil had done it, he sprinted away as Patton glared at Virgil.

"I don't know what has gotten into you today, Virgil, but whatever it is it needs to stop" he seethed, Virgils eyes widened a bit.

"Are you seeking attention? Is that it? There are other ways to do that!" Patton ranted, "You don't need to annoy others! Just talk to me, you've been very rude and mean today! Not only am I mad I'm disappointed, Virgil. I expect better from you" Patton crossed his arms and Virgil shrunk into his jacket.

"I want you to apologise"



Virgil frowned, "Dad-"

Patton stepped close and pinned him to the wall, pushing his shoulders. He put his face a few inches away from Virgils and Virgil was terrified.

"Apologies. Now. Before I do something we will both regret" Pattons dark voice brook no argument and Virgil made a small squeak noise and a nod. Patton let go and Virgil vanished.

Virgil sat on the couch, Roman and Logan on the other end. "Were we right?" Logan asked, Virgil nodded and hugged his knees to his chest. He will never make Patton mad again.


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Virgil found Patton in his room, tentatively Virgil knocked on the door. Patton turned around and his eyes softened, he dashed over to his 'son'.

"Virgil! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get mad" he rushed out, Virgil involuntary flinched and Patton winced, his big eyes filling with sadness and regret.

"You weren't...going to hurt me, where you...Dad?" Virgil asked meekly, staring at Patton with the same fearful eyes.

"Kiddo..." Patton sniffled, "No! I would never hurt my son! I love you to much to hurt you in anyway! I'm so so sorry I scared you, I was just mad...I'm so sorry, Virgil" Patton began to cry and Virgil slowly walked closer, bringing the crying side into a hug.

The two hugged for awhile, Pattons crying soon stopped.

"Don't be sorry, Dad" Virgil mumbled, "s'my fault...I made you mad...I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too, I'll try and control my anger better"

"No,'re blaming yourself" Virgil pulled back. "I purposely made you mad, I'm sorry, please don't blame yourself, promise me?"

"But, son-"

"Please, Dad"

Patton frowned and bit his lip. "Okay..." Patton nodded and they hugged again.

"I love you, Dad"

"I love you too! So much! I will never, ever, hurt you"

"Thanks, Dad"


Yeah sorry I just thought of it haha

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