Necklace - Patton x Roman

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Look how cute aww

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Look how cute aww


Recently Pattons best friend gave him a necklace, he cherished it and was very over protective over the item. He would always wear it and take off before bed incase it broke while he was sleeping. It was always hidden under his clothes but that didn't mean he liked it any less.

One day he took it off while in the kitchen so it wouldn't get dirty. He had been so distracted by the cooking and then being called by Roman he forgot about it (thinking he was already wearing it) and left it in the kitchen.

Virgil walked in the kitchen a few minutes after Patton left, his eyes landed on the necklace and he paused. "What?" He whispered to himself, picking up the chain which had half of a heart attached to it, the half this one had said best, he supposed the other part said friend.

"Best friend?" He mumbled.

"Logan!" He called over his shoulder, the logical side walked to him.


"Is this yours?" Virgil asked, handing him the necklace. Logan looked it over and shook his head, "I only wear neckties" he said, adjusting his necktie.

Virgils mouthed twitched left to right, "Roman!" He called. The fanciful side appeared beside him, "greetings, Anxiety! What can I do for you?"

Virgil rolled his eyes, "is this yours?" Logan handed him the necklace and he looked it over like Logan had.

"No, too tacky for my taste. Besides, I do not have a best friend" Roman handed him the necklace and Virgil called for Patton.

He looked worried and frantically searched the kitchen counters. "It's gone, it's gone, IT'S GONE!" He yelled, running a hand through his hair.

"What is?" Logan inquired, turning to face the distraught side.

"My necklace!" He cried, Roman and Virgil shared a look. "It's not tacky anymore" he whispered harshly before handing Patton the necklace. 

"AH! YOU FOUND IT!" Patton yelled, hugging the necklace before hugging Virgil.

"Who gave it to you?" Roman asked, leaning on Virgil who shoved him to the side.

"My best friend" Patton replied, scanning the necklace for any marks or scratches.

"And that is....?"

"None of your business" He replied, his eyes widened and he faced Roman.

"I'm sorry! That didn't mean to come out! I'm just...I'm sorry" Roman waved it off and ruffled his hair.

"Do not worry, you ball of...emotions" Roman chuckled, pulling his hand away awkwardly.

Patton put on the necklace and smiled before going to his room.

"Why did you lean on me?"

"I needed more dialogue"


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