Adoption - Cara x Virgil

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Recently Logan and Patton had adopted a girl named Cara, Patton obviously immediately loved her to bits, spoiling her a bit and giving her everything that she asked for, even if she didn't ask for much.

The first day of her new school finally arrived and she didn't want to go, obviously. "Pat, do I have to?" She whined.

"I'm sorry Cara! But it's against the law not to" Patton frowned, hugging her tightly.

"It is a good school, Cara. Everyone is very welcoming" Logan stated, walking down the hallway. Reluctantly Cara left the house and got a lift with Patton and Logan to the school.

"At least tell me they have cute boys?" She asked once they had arrived.

Patton giggled, "yes! Of course they do!"

"None cuter then me, I hope" Logan mumbled, Cara rolled her eyes fondly and left the car before she could witness Patton shower Logan with love. She walked into the school and waited by the doors, looking down the hallway at the students.

"Hello, princess" Cara jumped lightly and spun around, coming face to face with a boy who was smirking. Cara instantly thought he was cute.

"Roman, stop flirting with girls, you're my boyfriend!" A boys voice called, a boy the same height as Roman stood next to him, smiling at Cara.

"Hi! You must be new, I'm Thomas and this is Roman" he introduced, Roman held Thomas's hand and kissed his cheek. Cara sighed inwardly, of course the two first cute boys she meet are gay. She doesn't mind but...they're cute!

They told her they had to go but offered her to hang out at lunch, which she agreed to.

Logan and Patton walked in and Patton showed her around a bit. "If you go to Logan's class you have him first" Patton kissed Cara's forehead and they both said goodbye, going their separate ways. She learned that Logan is a science teacher and Patton helped in the special needs department.

She headed down the hallway, turning a corner she didn't expect to bump into something, or someone.

"Oh sorry I..." she trailed off when she looked at who was there, forcing herself to not let her jaw drop.

She might've thought the two other boys were cute but he...this is a new level of cute and hotness mixed together!

"It's fine, my fault anyway" The boy shrugged, giving her a small smile and carrying on his walk.

"Wait! What's your name?" She called.

"Everyone calls me Verge" he called over his shoulder and disappeared round a corner. Cara sighed and made her way to Logan's class.


"Do you know a boy named Verge?" Cara asked Thomas and Roman, sitting opposite them on the table in the cafeteria.

"Everyone knows him, in this school he is most famous for having no friends" Roman explained.

"We've tried to become his friend but he didn't want to hang out with us so we left him be" Thomas added. Cara nodded and looked out of a window, seeing Verge walking across the field with his hood up.


After break she went to her next to lessons which passed quickly, she wanted to meet Verge again but she wouldn't know where to go. Maybe Patton knows him?

She headed to his room and walked in, he was sitting with Logan, eating his food.

"Hey Cara!" Patton greeted, ", do you know a boy named Verge? By any chance?"

"Oh, him?" Patton pointed to Verge who was sitting in the back of the class, head in his arms.

"He usually falls asleep at this time" Logan said, standing up with Patton.

"Could you stay in here with him? He doesn't like waking up to an empty class room" Patton asked, Cara agreed and the two left, closing the door after them.

Cara quietly sat down next to him, she could see the side of his face and his features. Cara had never met anyone like him before and she wanted to know him better.

"Verge?" She called, he didn't move.

"Verge?" She said louder, Verge stirred and opened his eyes, sitting up slowly and rubbing them. He noticed the two teachers at the front were gone and he slowly panicked until he noticed Cara.

"Oh..hi" he mumbled, looking away. Cara smiled, "Hi Verge! I'm Cara" Cara greeted. Virgil looked at her and smiled slightly, shaking her hand gently.

" you spend most lunches in here?" She asked, Virgil nodded and stretched his back.

"Yeah...Sir lets me come in whenever I want" Virgil replied.

"Who? Patton?" Virgil nodded again and Cara grinned.

"He's my Dad, and so is Logan"

Virgil stared at her, surprised. "Wait, really?" She nodded and he hummed. "I didn't know they were adopting this quickly..."

The two conversed more and they lost track of time, the bell startling them both.

"This was fun, maybe we could do it again?" Cara asked, Virgil blushed lightly and agreed. They both gave each other their numbers and went to their lessons.

Cara couldn't wait to talk to him again.


Hiiii!!! Yeah, so it's super late and I'm, like, dying 😆

I'll make part two to this tomorrow morning! Which will probably be early for you...

Anyway! Thank you for the request!

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