The Killer - Logan x Patton

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Trigger warning: murder

Patton was sitting in his office, writing a things down while occasionally taking a sweet from his packet of gummy worms. He jumped when someone entered the room, looking up his eyes caught with the most handsome man he had ever laid eyes on.

Tall, dark and handsome.

"Greetings - I am detective Sanders" he flashed a badge, "I am here to talk to you about the murder of Marcellin Desrosiers"

Patton gasped, murder? He had just seen him yesterday! Marcellin was one of Pattons clients, it must be why the detective came to him.

"Uh, yes of course" he let him sit down opposite him and picked up his packet of sweets.

"Gummy worm?"

"No thank you"

He shrugged, "your loss" and ate one.

"I have been told that Marcellin was here yesterday afternoon?" The detective asked, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Yeah! He's been coming here for the past few weeks, I'm his therapist" Patton explained, pushing some of his work to the side to rest his arms on the desk, scanning the detectives facial features.

He was definitely Pattons type.

"Can you give me any information on him? Do you know where he was planning to go yesterday?"

"Uh.. under law I can't tell you anything that happened in the session but I can tell you he was going to meet up with his friends! I think they were planning to head to a bar but he didn't say which, I'm sorry"

"No, it's quite alright" the detective wrote down the things he said, Patton smiling while watching.

"Anything else? Did he mention someone to you that could've done this?"

"Uh...I'm sorry, I can't tell" Patton frowned, "oh! But he did mention someone...I can't tell you but I can take you to him! Come on!" Patton stood up and put on his jacket and scarf, leaving the room.

"Wait, sir-"

"I can help you! It would be like Sherlock and Watson!" Patton grinned, opening the door to go outside.

"Sir you can not come-"

"It'll help you in your case, and I have nothing else to do anyway!" Patton locked the door after him and skipped down the path to the street.

The detective sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. How he disliked people like this.

"C'mon detective!" Patton called, grinning. He leaned on his car and he sighed again, giving in. Patton told him the directions and they drove to the destination, Patton singing along to songs that came onto the radio.

"Who lives here?" The detective asked, parking outside of the house.

"Before I answer" Patton turned to face him, "what's your name?"

"Detective Sanders"

"No, silly" Patton giggled, "first name! I'm Patton" He stuck his hand out to shake and the detective sighed again, "Logan" they shook hands and Patton got out, darting up to the house and knocking on the front door.

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