Swap - Patton x Logan & Roman x Virgil

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The sides woke up one morning very confused, Logan sat up first, looking around the room. It clicked that it was Pattons room but Patton was nowhere to be found, why was he here? He slept in his room last night!

Patton sat up next, rubbing his eyes and grabbing his glasses which were on the bedside table. He knew it was Logan's room, he, like Logan, was confused. Did someone put him in here? He definitely fell asleep on his bed last night.

Roman was very confused, he thought he couldn't stay in Virgils room for a long period of time without freaking out? He must've been in here for awhile.

Virgil was last to understand that he wasn't in his room, it was Princes, why the hell was he here? He hated sleeping anywhere else other then his room!

All the sides got out of bed and into the hallway, all of them deciding to go to the living room in hopes of finding someone else. There was four entrances to the living room, each entrances leading to one of the sides rooms.

They all entered the living room at the same time, Virgil stared at Roman while Logan stared at Patton.

Then they screamed.

"Why do you look like me!?" Virgil was the first to say to Roman.

"Look like you? Why do you look like me?" Roman fired back.

"Patton, why have you dressed up as me? You know how I feel about people touching my neck ties!"

"Logan I swear I didn't dress up as you! And you look like me!"

"Wait!" Logan shouted, shutting everyone up. "I have emotions"

"What?" Virgil asked, confused and annoyed. "I have emotions! Why do I feel emotions? WHY DO I FEEL THE STRONG ERGE TO HUG YOU ALL?!"

"Because you are Patton?" Roman replied, holding his hand up confused.

"No! I'm Patton!" Patton, in Logan's body, said, pointing at himself.

(This will get confusing. Fast)

"Yes, and I am Logan" Logan, in Pattons body, said, looking at Roman. "Ugh, why do I feel so confident?" Virgil spoke up, "Why don't I...hate myself?"

"You hate yourself!?" Logan gasped, but looked away confused a few seconds later. "Why do I care so much?"

"And why don't I care as much!" Patton worried, fear clear in his features.

"It seems as though me and Logan have switched...bodies? But how is that possible?" Patton pondered, instantly dropping it a few seconds later. "I even think smart, too!"

"It's not possible! I want my body back!" Logan complained, looking stunned a few seconds after. "This is not me at all!"

"Me and Princey have swapped as well, I'm feeling very bubbly, confident, and creative...I hate it" Virgil said, crossing his arms.

"I hate it too! Nearly as much as I hate myself!" Prince gasped, "Oh why? Why am I so emo and depressing and RELATABLE!?" He cried, his breathing becoming irregular.

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