Kung Fu - Roman x Virgil

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I can relate ^


Virgil shuffled back when he felt Roman roll over on the bed closer to him, ever few minutes Roman would roll over, shuffle, scoot closer to Virgil and he was close to falling off of the bed.

When Roman moved one more time Virgil growled.

"You're taking up the whole bed can you please move I know you're not asleep you jerk I will Kung fu kick you out of this bed" He warned. Roman only smirked and moved closer, Virgil moved his leg up and kicked Romans stomach, he groaned and rolled off the side of the bed.

Virgil dropped a pillow onto his head, "stay" he commanded, rolling over and falling asleep.

The next morning Virgil looked over and didn't see Roman, confused he looked over the side of the bed to see Roman laying on the floor with his head rested on a pillow, a soft smile on his face and goosebumps lining his arms.

"Did you sleep on the floor, you idiot?"

"You told me to stay"

"And you listened?!"

"Yes, I did" Roman replied, still smiling.


"Because I love you"

Virgil gave him a deadpan expression, sitting up in bed. Roman only chuckled and got up, stretching his back and kissing Virgils cheek.


So I was browsing the googles for some prompts for a Virgil x Patton when I found this gem

So I made a it with Roman and Virgil cus Virgil wouldn't kick anyone else

So I made a it with Roman and Virgil cus Virgil wouldn't kick anyone else

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