Lick - Patton x Logan

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Patton and Logan laid in bed, facing each other in the dark. Logan had his eyes closed but he wasn't asleep, Patton was staring at his face, or what he could see of it in the dark anyway.

He grinned, an idea coming to mind. Leaning forward he poked his tongue out, licking Logan's nose. Logan flinched back.

"Did you lick me...?" He asked, rubbing his nose. Patton giggled and kept his tongue out, Logan couldn't see it so he moved back to his original position, his nose hit Pattons tongue again and he flinched.

"Patton, Love, please stop" Logan sighed, making Patton laugh more. Patton shuffled close so their faces were inches apart, he went to lick his nose again but he licked his lips, this time Logan didn't move.

"Do that again" he mumbled sleepily. Patton grinned and licked his lips, Logan smiled and pressed his lips against his, they shared a short kiss and wrapped arms around each other.

"Sometimes you are too cute for me to handle, Love"

"Daw, Logy! You're cute too!" Patton grinned, resting his head close to Logan's.

"Mmm, thank you. Goodnight, Love"

"Goodnight, Logy Bear!"


Juuuust a random idea

Totally didn't happen to me irl or anything

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