Prank 3 - Roman x Virgil & Patton x Logan

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Trigger warning: much spiders

A few weeks had passed since the spider prank Logan and Roman pulled on Patton and Virgil, unfortunately the spider they had placed in the living room had been long forgotten by all. Patton and Virgil were sitting in the living room, like they were when they were pranked.

Obviously as everyone had agreed to not prank each other again, as in not serious pranks, small ones like cling film over the toilet are fine, Patton and Virgil didn't expect to see the giant tarantula scuttle from under the stand that held up the tv.

Virgil was on his phone so Patton was the first to notice, his scream made Virgil drop his phone in surprise.

"Patton? What's wrong?"

"SPIDER!" He screeched, already starting to cry. Virgil saw the spider and his eyes widened, both of them ran to the back of the room and hid in the corner, holding each other tightly, thinking the spider would kill them and feed them to its babies.

Roman and Logan both had heard the yell and the hysterics to they quickly headed to the room. "What could be wrong now?" Logan mumbled.

Roman thought for a few seconds, when it clicked he gasped. "Logan! We forgot the other spider!"

Logan realised their mistake and they rushed in, first noticing a crying Patton and a shaking Virgil in the corner. Like before Logan went to console the both and Roman went to get rid of the spider.

It went under the tv stand so he looked behind it and gasped, his jaw dropping. "Roman what's taking so long?" Logan called, trying to care for both of the sides.

"Dear Neptune" he whispered, taking a few steps back. He rushed to the others and pulled Virgil onto his lap, hugging the scared side tightly. He looked at Logan and mouthed "tarantula nest"

Logan stared at him in shock, looking over his shoulder at the tv. "Patton, lets go to the real world, I need to dispose of the spider" he whispered, Patton nodded and the two sunk down, Roman followed with Virgil and left them with a confused Thomas, going back into his mind.

"What should we do?" Logan questioned, crossing his arms and looking at Roman.

Roman stared back, "um last time I checked you are the smart one, calculator watch!" He added gestures.

Logan sighed and pinched his nose, "get the vacuum"

It took a few hours but they finally got rid of the spiders, Roman nearly screamed at how many there were. He wasn't scared but if there are literally nearly fifty spiders he will be a little wary.

They went back to Thomas's living room to see all of them watching a movie. "You're back! And safe!" Patton cried, running into Logan's arms.

Logan hugged him tightly and Virgil didn't want to move from his comfy spot so he made Roman cuddle under the blanket with him.

" hero" Virgil mumbled.

"Anything for you, my prince" Roman mumbled back.

"YOU ARE AMAZING LOGAN!" Patton kissed him and smiled, Logan smiled back. "You are just as amazing Patton, most likely even more"

"No! Not as amazing as you!"

Logan's smile widened and he hugged Patton again, hiding his face over his shoulder.

They never had to see the tarantulas again




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Okay I'm sorry, part two of the uh adoption one with the amazing Cara will be posted after this! Yes I kept in the "uh" cus I say uh


Also thank yooou!

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