Imposter - Roman x Patton

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Trigger warning: kidnapping

"Princey could you stop talking so many selfies?" Virgil complained for the tenth time, hearing that stupid shutter noise his phone makes whenever he takes a picture.

"When the lighting is good a Prince has got to take selfies"

"Yeah, not over one hundred! Moron" Virgil muttered, crossing his arms.

"All you are is jealous"

"We have the same face!"

"Oh don't remind me!"

Virgil sneered at him, Logan ignored the exchange between the two, more interested on Pattons whereabouts. He was here ten minutes ago and left to his room stating that he wanted to get a blanket.

"Roman, it occurs to me you have not noticed Patton has not returned" Logan cut the twos argument off, staring at Roman as he did.

"He said he wanted to get something, am I supposed to time how long he takes?"

"No, but you would think his boyfriend would be worried if he had not returned for over ten minutes"

"You would think his friend would be worried also!"

"Oh don't start" Virgil groaned, laying down on the couch instead of sitting up.

"Are we not going to try and find him? He would do the same for you"

"That is because he is the heart! He worries all the time over these type of things, besides what is there to harm him?" 

"Your stupidity?" Virgil replied, closing his eyes and resting his head on a pillow.

Roman sent him a glare. "I am not as stupid as you, hot topic"

"You admitted you are stupid and called me hot in one, you really need to work on your comebacks" Virgil smirked, not even opening his eyes because he couldn't care less.

Roman huffed angrily, turning his head away from him. Logan sighed, knowing the two completely forgot about Patton. He was about to call them out on that but stopped when Patton walked into the room, fixing his cardigan around his shoulders.

Weird, it's like he took it off. He never takes that off, Logan thought but brushed it to the side.

"See? He's fine, worrywart" Roman said to Logan, smiling at Patton who gave him a weird look and sat far away from him on the couch. "Okay" Roman whispered.

"Patton, where is the blanket you went in search for?" Logan asked, Patton shrugged. "I couldn't find it" he mumbled and watched the tv.

Roman and Logan looked at each other, back to Patton, then back at each other. They knew something was up.

"Patton, is everything alright?" Logan inquired, looking at him, with suspicious and curious eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he replied loosely, biting his lip. Logan instantly didn't believe him, he looked at Roman, praying that he noticed Pattons lying.

"'re not, this isn't like you" Roman replied, his eyebrows drawing together.

"I'm fine! Jeez" Virgil lifted his head and stared at 'Patton' weirdly, "uh, you say jeez?"

Patton looked at everyone nervously before he jumped up and dashed away. Roman chased him and grabbed him before he could leave the room, pinning him against the wall. Logan and Virgil got up, keeping a distance.

"What have you down with my-our Patton" Roman corrected himself, glaring daggers at the so called 'Patton'.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Patton yelled, he clenched his eyes shut and changed from Patton to someone they hadn't seem before.

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