Thanatophobia - Patton x Logan

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Trigger warning: Spiders

"You need to stop singing all the time" Virgil said to Roman who held a hand over his heart in mock-hurt. "I can sing whenever I wish!" He exclaimed, eyes narrowed.

"It gets-" before Virgil could finish they all heard an ear piercing shriek coming from Patton. Logan dropped his book in fright.

"Was that Patton? Why is he screaming?" Virgil instantly jumped up from his spot on the couch, ready to find him and see what as wrong.

"He could be hurt" Logan fretted, also standing up and placing his book on the coffee table.

"I'll save you Patton!" Roman yelled and ran to where Patton was shrieking from. Logan and Virgil followed, not nearly as fast as Roman who barged into the room Patton was in.

"What happened? Are you being attacked?" Roman had an urgency in his tone as he stood beside Patton, surveying the room.

"Yes!" Patton yelled, running out to the hallway and into Logan, making them both fall to the floor, Virgil tripped over them and they all groaned while Roman watched in the doorway, sword in hand. He snickered, and then laughed loudly. Virgil sneered at him while he stood up, brushing his trousers from the slight dust. Patton gripped onto Logan while trying to scramble away from the room he was in prior.

"What has happened, Patton? Are you okay?" Logan asked, concerned. He sat up to let the Dad like aspect crawl away, his back hitting the wall of the hallway.

The other aspects watched, worried.

All Patton could do was hold his shaking arm to the room and whisper, "s-s-s"




(Scar as in Disney lion scar)

Patton shook his head, finally getting the word out.


Virgil jumped away from the room, him being scared of spiders as well, Roman snorted and waved his sword around as he spoke. "You're scared of a small spider?"

Logan just stared at Patton for a few seconds before he sighed, "Patton, these spiders cannot hurt you"

"Yes they can!" Patton argued.

"Technically, some spiders can kill you but not the ones we get over here, if you were in somewhere, for example, Australia-" Logan began to flow into a rant, but Virgil quickly stepped in.

"Not helping, nerd" Virgil cut him off.

Logan noticed that Patton was visibly shaking and Logan sighed again. "Roman, kill the spider and I'll take Patton to the living room"

"Fine, where are you you fiend!?" Roman yelled, holding his sword up while running back into the room.

Logan helped Patton up and Virgil followed Logan who led Patton slowly to the living room, telling him that it'll be okay and the spider wasn't going to harm him.

"The spider has been vanquished!" Roman proudly stated once he reentered the room, Patton sighed in relief because Roman had been gone for awhile.

"I do not see why you are so scared of spiders, Patton" Logan commented.

"Because! They're spiders!"

Logan sighed at Patton's explanation, scared of spiders because they're spiders? It doesn't make any sense.

Patton rested his head on Logan's shoulder, staring at the side of his face. "You'll protect me though, right?" He mumbled.

"I suppose I can, I'm not the one with arachnophobia" Logan glanced at Virgil as he said this but Virgil's attention was on Roman as they had one of their small arguments.

"That's the fear of spiders!"


"Do you have any fears?"

"I do not"


"Yes" Logan confirmed. Patton pulled his head back to fully stare at Logan who stared back with a blank expression.

"You must be scared of something"

Logan looked away, sighing for the umpteenth time. "I do have one"

"What is it?"


Patton titled his head in confusion, "what's that?"

"It means that I fear of losing someone to death"

Patton frowned, Logan casted his eyes down and straightened his tie. "I suppose it is irrational of me, but you never know with these sort of things-"

Patton hugged Logan before he could finish, nuzzling his head into the logical side neck and whispering. "You're not losing anyone, Logan"

Logan awkwardly held his arms around Patton. "I'm only scared of losing one person, actually"

Patton leaned back but still had his arms wrapped around Logan. "Who?"


Patton smiled at his words, pecking Logan's cheek. "Logan, you'll never lose me"


Patton giggled, leaning closer to Logan as he did the same. "101%"

"It's only 100-"

Patton kissed Logan sweetly on the lips, the nicest way of shutting him up.

Roman opened his mouth to retort to Virgil when his eye caught Logan and Patton kissing. He nudged Virgil and pointed at them.

Virgil looked and screamed, "SINNERS!"

Logan and Patton broke apart, both looking at Virgil before Patton began to giggle and Logan glared.

"I will chase you with a spider"

"You wish, four eyes"

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