I Want To Kiss You - Roman x Logan

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"I want to kiss you" Roman mumbled, staring at Logan from across the room. Logan looked up from his book, staring at Roman, he had heard him say something but he didn't catch what he said.


"What?" Roman replied, pushing back the blush threatening to form on his cheeks. They stared at each other with a blank expression, Logan's eyes slowly went back to his book and the room went silent again.

"I want to kiss you" Roman mumbled again, Logan didn't reply that time, he assumed that Roman was merely mumbling to himself, why? Logan didn't know, nor did he want to know, nor did he care.

His book was more interesting anyway.

"I want to kiss you" Roman mumbled, sitting up in the seat, his eyes never leaving the smart trait. He has had feelings for Logan for quite awhile, he didn't say anything for the fear of rejection stopped him every time.

"I want to kiss you" Roman mumbled again once he realised Logan wasn't going to react. Again, Logan carried on reading like Roman wasn't even there.

Maybe he could hear but didn't want to reply? Roman thought to himself but brushed it to the side, telling himself to not be such a Virgil.

"I want to kiss you" this time Roman shuffled closer to Logan, not close enough for Logan to notice of course. Logan did start to become curious, why did Roman keep mumbling to himself? Did the fanciful Disney fanatic finally lose it? Is he insane?

"I want to kiss you"

Nothing, Roman shuffled closer, almost in arms reach. His heart was racing, and his breathing becoming faster.

"I want to kiss you"

This time he could reach Logan and Logan finally saw how close Roman had gotten, looking up from his book he stared at Roman with a questionable look, asking him with his eyes what the hell was he doing.

Roman knew Logan would be able to hear him this time so taking in a big breath he said

"I want to kiss you"

Logan repeated what Roman, his crush, had said in his mind a few times, too shocked to do anything else. Roman fidgeted nervously, waiting for the rejection he knew was coming.

Finally, Logan smiled, surprising Roman.

"Kiss me?"

"Kiss you" Roman clarified

Logan put his book down and sat up, biting his lip. Why did he have to be so nervous?

"Well, you are Roman so I expect this to be dramatic..." Logan smiled, Roman grinned and swooped Logan off of the couch, holding him in his arms and leaning down. Logan held his arms around Romans neck and leaned up to kiss him.

Roman put as much passion as he could into the kiss like it would be his last, finally they pulled back and Roman stood Logan back up right.

"How'd I do?" Roman asked, smiling and holding his arms around Logan's waist. Logan chuckled, pushing his glasses back up his nose.

"Hmm..." Logan hummed, pretending to think. "It was...beauteous" he mused

"I'm going to assume that that meant it was amazing"

Logan shook his head, chuckling.

"It was divine, enthralling, angelic..." Logan listed, Romans blush darkening on each word.

"I am glad" Roman smiled

"Could we do it again?" Logan requested, Roman happily agreed and they began kissing again.

Patton bounded into the room and gasped, "Virgil!" He shouted, making Logan and Roman jump.

"You owe Thomas five dollars!"

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