Someday - Roman x Virgil

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"Some day my prince will come, some day I'll find my love and how thrilling that moment will be when the prince of my dreams comes to me" Roman overheard the sweet angelic voice of Virgil coming from the living room.

Once entering Virgil instantly noticed him and stopped singing, causing Roman to frown, he did like his voice but thought nothing more of it as Thomas got ready for another video. He assumed Virgil was doing it to pass the time, so he brushed it to the side, wondering if he would ever hear his voice again.

"He'll whisper "I love you" and steal a kiss or two, though he's far away I'll find my love some day" Virgil sung again in range for Roman to hear, said aspect smiled slightly at how beautiful Virgils singing voice was, and wondered why he didn't sing more often.

Although, like yesterday once Roman got closer Virgil stopped. The aspect frowned, but didn't question it, Virgil was anxiety, and that did come with being shy.

"Some day when my dreams come true, some day I'll find my love, someone to call my own and I'll know him the moment we meet for my heart will start skipping a beat" Virgil smiled slightly when he heard Roman trying to sneakily walk up behind him, knowing the fanciful side was already there he stopped singing and Roman huffed, annoyed.

"Why won't you sing in front of me?" He whined, coming around to face him, arms crossed.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Virgil taunted, brushing past the Prince with a hidden smug smile.

"Some day we'll say I do, things we've been longing to, though he's far away I'll find my love some day, some day when my dreams come true" Roman grinned, peaking around the door to watch Virgil, unbeknownst to him Virgil saw him in the reflection of his phone so he sunk down, Roman groaned.

How did he know!?

The next day Roman found Patton smiling at Logan who was walking down the hallway, his back turned to them. "Patton, I need your help" Roman said, snapping Patton from his daydream like state.

"Whats up, kiddo?" He happily responded, turning to him with a happy smile.

"Well, Virgil has been singing the lyrics to a Disney song recently but whenever I try and get closer he stops" Roman pouted, obviously finding it unbearable.

Patton chuckled, he, Logan and Thomas knew of Virgils singing and why he started doing it in the first place.

Patton only grinned at him, "I can't help you there kiddo! But I wonder who the song is for..." Patton trailed off before disappearing to his own side of the mind. Romans eyebrows furrowed, who's the song for?

Understanding that the song was based around a Prince, and him being the only Prince like person in the mind, he wanted to say it was himself, but then again didn't want to create a scenario in his mind to only (possibly) later realise the song might've been for someone else.

So, with a long sigh, he pushed on down the hallway to his own room.

"Somewhere waiting for me, there is someone I'm longing to see, someone I simply can't help but adore, someone who'll thrill me forever" Virgil's melodic voice caught Roman's attention once again, biting his lip, he averted his eyes from the emo-like aspect.

He tried to think of this logically. If this song was for someone, and Patton knew of this, it couldn't possibly be for Patton - so he crossed him off the list imagined in his mind. It wouldn't be for Thomas, as Thomas was never in his mind to hear Virgil singing, so that left him and Logan. Finding it odd Logan was usually never there, it left only him, and it would make sense with the whole "Prince" thing...

Assuming usually never gets him anywhere, but in this situation he let his heart in charge, instead of assuming it was for him, he wanted it to be for him, and that was enough.

Looking up again, Roman realised Virgil had vanished, nothing new, he supposed.

"Someday my prince will come, someday I will find the one, though he's far away, he'll find my love someday" Roman quickly rushed to Virgil and grabbed his arm before he could vanish.

Virgil put on his usual expression and stared at Roman like he wasn't singing a few seconds prior. "Greetings Hot Topic, I was wondering why do you keep singing that song?"

Virgil pulled his arm away, stretching it slightly before shrugging, "you must be hearing things" he replied vaguely.

Sinking down before Roman could stop him, Prince groaned loudly. Logan watched a distance away, smirking slightly. He was right, Roman was truly a halfwit.

Today Roman had an idea, he knew the next two lines of the song were the last so he'd let his plan take action. Understanding and coming to terms with the fact there was still a chance the song wasn't meant for him, Roman tried to tell himself how to act if it wasn't, and more importantly how to get out of the situation, but boy he hoped and prayed the song was for him.

He noticed Virgil and waited for him to sing the lyrics.

"Someday when my dreams come true, oh please make my dreams come true"

As he was caught up singing, Roman appeared in front of Virgil and gripped both of his forearms, grinning. "You want a prince to make your dreams come true?" He whispered, leaning in close, their lips almost brushing.

Virgil took in a shaky breath, staring directly into Romans eyes. Noticing he wasn't pulling away, Roman felt a surge of confidence shoot through his body.

"He'll whisper "I love you" and steal a kiss or two" Roman repeated the earlier lyrics, leaning close to Virgil's ear.

"I love you" he murmured, and before Virgil could comprehend what was happening, Roman kissed his lips gently, pulling away only a little to read the emotions buzzing through his eyes.

Ever so slowly, a small smile rested on Virgil's lips as he wrapped his arms around Roman, tugging him into a longer kiss, creating a pink hue that rested on both of their cheeks.

"Took you long enough" Virgil mused, snorting.

"I was merely waiting for the right moment!"

"Whatever, Princey"


I improved it :3

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