Pictures - Roman x Virgil

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Roman had recently pranked his boyfriend and Virgil wanted to get back at him and what better way to do it then making him look ugly.

Virgil had taken pictures of Roman when he was in the worst state, either yawning, looking bored, his face mushed up against something else, things like that. Roman didn't notice what Virgil was doing, he thought that Virgil wanted to be around him more which made him happy.

Virgil finally had enough pictures and he printed them off, grabbing some sellotape he went into Romans room when he was with Thomas and stuck them everywhere on the walls. Once finishing he grinned at his handy work and waited down the hallway.

"I will see you later, Pat!" Virgil looked up and saw Roman walking away from Patton who waved and vanished, Virgil smirked as Roman entered his room. It only took a few seconds before he heard a scream.

He started to laugh and stood in the doorway, looking at Romans horrified face. Roman did a full look around all of the room until he stopped on Virgil.

"You did this? I look...I look....I LOOK SO UGLY!" He cried, sinking to the floor and wailing over dramatically. Virgil snorted and shook his head, watching his boyfriend roll around the floor, crying. He wasn't really crying, just making noises of despair.

"You don't look ugly, idiot" Virgil stated, walking into the room and sitting down next to him.

"You look....okay well, yeah ugly" Virgil shrugged making Roman wail louder and cover his face.

"I will never show my face again!"

"You and me both know that's a lie" Virgil snorted.

Roman huffed and sat up, hiding his face in Virgils chest. Virgil held his arms up slightly, raising an eyebrow at his over dramatic boyfriend.

"You still love me? Even if I look horrible!"

"Of course, dork" Virgil shook his head, slowly wrapping his arms around Roman.

"Take those disgusting things down!" Roman cried after minutes of silence.

"You look fine-"

"I LOOK UGLY, VIRGIL! UGLY!" He dragged out the last word, rolling on the floor again. Virgil sighed and took down the pictures, putting them in the bin.

"Happy now? Drama queen" Roman stood up and looked around, smiling.

"Next time catch my good side" Roman smirked, Virgil playfully glared at him and before he could leave Roman kissed his hand.

"I love you!"

"I hate you too, Princey"


I completed!

(😏 - i'm sorRY I'LL STOP)

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