Valentines Day - Logan x Patton

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Patton walked up to Logan giddily. "Here you go, Logy bear!' He grinned, handing him a teddy bear that looked like a cute dog and a box of chocolates. Logan smiled and took the gifts, "thank you, love"

Patton held his hands behind his back and bobbed on his feet, grinning.

Logan smiled at the dog toy and smiled wider at the chocolate. "I have gifts for you to, but I have not finished yet. Promise to wait in your room until I call you?" He asked.

"Aw! Yeah! Pinky promise" Patton kissed his cheek and left for his room.

Logan put his gifts on his bed and carried on what he was doing before. He hoped Patton would like it.


Logan knocked on Pattons door, holding a gift in his hands. Patton whipped open the door, full of excitement. He looked at the gift and his eyes lightened with pure happiness.

Grabbing it from Logan's hand he read over what it said. "If you were a fruit you'd be a fine-apple!" He screeched and hugged Logan tightly.


Logan pulled his over excited boyfriend off of him, smiling slightly.  "That was only a small gift, there is more to come"

"Wait, really? Aw! Logy bear! You don't have to do this!" Patton smiled, looking down at the mug again.

"Yes I do, as your boyfriend I will try my hardest to make sure Valentine's Day is the best it possibly can be" He did a small nod and Patton grinned, putting the mug on his desk and letting Logan hold his hand and take him to whatever he had planned.

Logan took him through the imagination, earlier Roman had made sure nothing would go wrong and they would have the best afternoon they possibly could.

Logan gave Patton a piggy back up the hill, Patton giggling and encouraging him the whole way.

When they got to the top Logan was panting. "Daw! Thank you for carrying me" Patton kissed his cheek and Logan smiled, pointing at what he had made Patton looked and squealed.

"A PICNIC!?!? LOGAN I LOVE YOU!" He screamed, repeatedly kissing him.

"Pat-Love, calm down. Okay?" Logan smiled, holding his hands. Patton nodded even though he was still bouncing on his feet. They sat on the red and white checkered blanket and Logan pulled out the food.

"Woah! Logan! Look!" Patton pointed at the sky which was slowly fading from blue, to purple, to pink, and a pastel rainbow before turning blue again.

"You have said how you would love the sky to have more colours during the day so I hope this suffi-"

"I LOVE IT, LOGY BEAR!" He yelled, bouncing on his legs while kissing Logan again.

"I also got you this" Logan handed him a keychain of a heart.


"Wait" Logan showed him his key ring, it was a small rectangle with a heart cut out in the middle, the words "Patton stole my heart" engraved on the wood above it.

Patton held a hand over his mouth and looked at Logan with nothing but love and adoration.

"I love you so much, logy bear" he began to cry and Logan pulled him into a hug.

Hours passed of the two happily enjoying spending their time together, Patton feeling bad he didn't do anything as extravagant for Logan but Logan kept reassuring him it was quite alright.

After the picnic Logan took Patton to his room.

"I really enjoyed the picnic, thank you so much logy!" Patton kissed him softly and Logan kissed back, smiling.

"I love you" Logan said as soon as they pulled back.

"I love you too" Patton bit back tears and they kissed again before Logan left and Patton walked into his room, closing his door and leaning on it.

He couldn't of been more in love.

Putting his heart keyring on his desk he noticed a pile of letters that weren't there before. Picking up the first one it read

Open when you need reminding on how much I love you

The next one read

Open when you need reminding on how cute you are

Patton read the titles off them all and began to cry again. "I LOVE YOU LOGAN!" Patton yelled.

"As I you, love!"


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