I Hate That I Love You - Roman & Virgil & Patton & Logan

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Roman was first to fall in love, it started of as a small silly crush that grew and grew every time Roman stared at Virgil, hung out with Virgil or just talked with him. Romans heart fluttered every time he saw his beautiful smile (it was a rarity he cherished).

Roman knew Virgil didn't like him back. Virgil had his heart for someone else. Logan. Virgil never expected to develop feelings for the logical nerd, he thought he would only ever like him as a friend but when Logan went off of on tangents his heart warmed with delight.

Virgil could never tell him, though, because Logan loved someone else. Who would've guessed the side who hated emotions the most fell deeply in love with the side who loved them the most. The bubbly, happy cookie-loving side took Logan's heart from right under his nose and he cannot get it back.

But alas, he knew he couldn't tell, because Patton loved another. Patton always saw the other sides as people he would treat as if they were his kids, but Roman was different. Patton always saw Roman as someone different even if he didn't notice it at first, now he's fallen deeply in love and can't escape.

All of the sides laid in their beds, some crying, some blankly staring at the ceiling. All of them thinking the same thing...

"I Hate That I Love You"


Just incase you didn't see this in the last one cus I added it in after if you have requests I will take them in and possibly do a one shot for it.

Thanks for reading! ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎

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