Date - Roman x Virgil

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"Anxiety!" Roman called once entering Virgils room, Virgil jumped at the sudden, loud, noise of Romans voice.

"What is it Princey?" Virgil grumbled, taking off his headphones. Roman walked closer to him, smirking. His confident strides worrying Virgil slightly.

"I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" Roman asked out of the blue, surprising Virgil. Spluttering Virgil stared at him like he was crazy, a date? With him?

"Wh-why...what...who?" Virgil managed, Roman chuckled softly, holding his hands behind his back.

"I've liked you for awhile, Hot Topic, I hope you return my feelings but if not, it's okay, not everything works out that way" Roman unknowingly rhymed.

Virgil stood dumbfounded for a few seconds, Roman liked him? Liked liked him? For how long? He hasn't acted differently, oh god.

"Uh um-ur, yes..y-yes, yes!" Virgil stuttered, blushing lightly but it was hidden by his makeup. Romans smile widened, "great! I'll be here by eight" winking Roman vanished back to his own room, leaving a blushing, heart racing, nerve wracked Virgil behind.

A few hours later Roman reappeared in Virgils room, he hasn't changed much just made himself look presentable. He saw Virgil and grinned, Virgil had actually changed his jacket for a different one, somehow it was darker and his make up looked more professionally done.

To Roman, he looked stunning.

"So...where are we going?" Virgil asked, Roman held out his arm and Virgil hesitantly held his hand. Roman had spent hours changing Thomas's imagination room to a ice skating rink, only last week Roman had found out Virgil had always wanted to try ice skating.

"It's a surprise" Roman replied, sinking down with Virgil and appearing in the room. Gasping, Virgil stared around the room, ice skating? How did he know?

"This way" Roman linked his arm around Virgils and took him to the shelf where ice skates were lined up. "Are we really going ice skating?" Virgil asked in disbelief, part of him thinking this is a dream - the best dream he's ever had.

"Of course my emo nightmare, I wouldn't make this for nothing" Roman assured, handing the darkly dressed trait a pair of skates and putting on some himself. With struggle Virgil put them on and tried to stand up, slowly and cautiously.

Roman gripped onto his forearms, balancing Virgil. Chuckling they slowly walked to the ice, "I can't do this" Virgil mumbled, his voice shaking.

"Of course you can! It's easy" Roman said, letting Virgil grip to the railing as he skated around the rink. Obviously he did it as gracefully as someone who has been practising all of their life, even doing a few jumps in the air.

Virgil watched him in astonishment, glancing at his own feet and sighing. He was going to fall, a lot.

"Come on Virgil" Roman skidded to a halt in front of Virgil, holding out his hands for Virgil to hold onto. "Move your feet like this" Roman showed him and Virgil did that, gliding with Roman to the middle of the rink, very slowly.

"Roman" Virgil said, slightly scared.

"Hmm?" Roman hummed, smiling widely. "If I fall I'm taking you down with me" he warned which made Roman laugh.

For the next few hours Roman helped Virgil skate around, both of them having a lot of fun, skating and just...being with each other. They don't usually hang out and this was something Virgil would like to get used to. Skating? Hell no, hanging out with Roman? Hell yes.

"I'm surprised I haven't fallen-" just as Virgil was speaking his foot caught with Romans and the two fell, Virgil yelped as his back hit the floor, and groaned with Roman fell on top of him.

(Hey, looks like the empire has fallen - huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue)

"Are you okay?" Roman asked, using his arms to push himself up but still laying on Virgil.

"I'm fine" Virgil muttered, his breath hitched as his eye caught with Romans, only now realising how close they were. Roman glanced down at Virgils lips as did Virgil with Romans.

The two leaned in and shared a kiss, both of their eye lids falling shut as they enjoyed the moment. Once their lungs began to burn for oxygen they pulled back, breathing heavily.

"You kissed me" Virgil mumbled in disbelief. Roman smirked, "you kissed me!"

"And I...liked it...a lot" Virgil blushed a deep crimson, Roman chuckled at how cute he looked and leaned down to press a short and sweet kiss to his lips.

"I liked it too"

"Can we do this again?" Virgil asked, his eyes not meeting Romans.

"What, ice skate?"

"No! No no...go on dates and kiss...n'stuff" his voids grew quieter towards the end.

"Of course, I wouldn't want anything less" Virgil smiled slightly, Roman helped him up and the two skated (slowly) to the exit.

"How did you make this?" Virgil asked, taking off the skates. "A lot of effort, Thomas has to imagine this until I say he can stop" Roman snorted, smirking.

"Wait, so he can imagine anything right now?" Roman nodded and pointed at the tub of ice creams that just appeared in front of them.

"Yes, and I have a feeling he might want some ice cream"

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