High School - Virgil & Patton

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Trigger warning: bullies

Virgil hated school, everyday he was bullied and he despised it. If there was some way to get rid of the stupid bullies he would do it in a heart beat but he was nothing compared to them.

Everyday it was like they got worse, recently they started pushing him and tripping him over, laughing at him afterwards. He also couldn't tell anyone else because the two bullies are the two most popular boys in the school, their names being Roman and Logan.

Virgil wanted to stick up for himself, he really did but he didn't have the courage, he was scared.

"Oh look!" Virgil heard Romans sickening voice. "It's the emo! I told you not to come back, you just ruin people's lives!" Roman slammed his hand on his locker, slamming it shut. Virgil flinched and gripped his bag, not daring to meet Romans eyes.

"It's rude to not look at people when they speak to you" Logan piped up, standing next to him. Virgil backed away and Roman stuck out his foot, he tripped backwards and his head whacked off the floor, he winced and gripped it tightly, crying out.

He heard Roman and Logan laugh, it got quieter as they walked down the hallway. Students watched, sickening smiles on their lips as they did. A boy peeked around his locker and his eyes softened, sympathy filling them as the boy stood up, grabbing his books and back that sprawled across the floor. A student kicked his book away, making another student kick it an opposite direction.

The boy, or Patton, had enough. Dashing over he glared at the boys, grabbing his book and handing it to Virgil with a smile.

"Are you okay?" Patton asked quietly, Virgil stared at him with wide eyes, eyes filled with pain and hurt. Patton frowned and felt his head for blood.

"What are you, his Mum?" A student shouted, making others laugh.

"Last time I checked men can't give birth" Patton replied, smiling when there was no blood. He turned to the student who spoke up, "you do know that, right?" Patton grinned, taking Virgils hand and walking down the hallway, Virgil keeping his head down as the student glared at Pattons back.

The next day the same thing happened, Roman and Logan poked fun at him, tripped him up, left and Patton jumped in, saving Virgil from the other students. It repeated for a week, on Friday Virgil had had enough.

He stood by his locker, eyes narrowed and full of hatred. He heard Roman and Logan walking down the hallway, he slammed the locker closed before Roman had the chance, surprising him a bit.

Virgil turned to the two, everyone else in the hallway going silent. "What? Is the emo finally fighting back?"

"It's long overdue" Virgil muttered angrily.

"Huh? Speak up"

"I said-" Virgil sighed, "who am I kidding? Now, let's not get overzealous here. You've always been a huge piece of shit, if I could kill you I would but it's frowned upon in all fifty states! Having said that, burn in hell" Virgil glared hatred at the two, turning on his heel and pushing past everyone else, Patton watched with his mouth open, scurrying after him.

Roman and Logan watched him disappear, shocked.

"He...he just..." Logan began, looking at Roman. He had a blank expression, thoughts whirling around in his mind. Logan didn't want to ask and the two went on with their day, leaving Virgil alone for the rest of it.

It seemed as though all Virgil had to do was stick up for himself and tell the two dicks the truth.


Thanks for the request! Sorry it took so long

Thanks for the request! Sorry it took so long

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