Self-Conscious - Patton x Logan

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Trigger warning: self deprecation

Patton whined quietly, flipping his hair to the side while looking in the mirror. He kept playing with his hair, feeling very self conscious that day. His hair didn't do what he wanted and he groaned into his hands.

"It's fine," he put a clip in it an instantly took it out, feeling like an idiot.

"I look horrible" he mumbled, shaking his head. His hair fell over his eyes which had bags, he whined a bit more, rubbing the bags. "Why do I look so ugly compared to the others" he quietly complained, grabbing some make up to try and conceal the bags, it worked but he still felt he looked bad.

Sighing he moved his hair to the side and deemed it good enough, leaving his room to find the others.

"Hey guuuuys!" Patton greeted with his usual smile but it was kind of forced, he sat on the couch bubbly, the others greeted him and went back to their conversation.

Patton looked at a few strands of his hair which fell in front of his eyes and frowned, pushing them to the side.

Logan did a double take at Patton, since when does he frown? Logan usually noticed small changes like this, so it was obvious to him Patton wasn't feeling his usual self, and he wanted to know why.

Even if he still didn't like emotions he wanted to make sure his boyfriend only felt the good ones, and it's what you do when you're in a relationship, correct?

"Patton? Love? Can I speak with you, in private?" he added, Patton nodded and smiled but Logan saw it didn't reach his eyes. The two left Virgil and Roman in the living room and stood in the hallway.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah! Of course I am! When am I not? I'm 100% okay! 101%! I've never been better! And now I'm with don't believe me, do you?" He sighed, noticing Logan's expression.

He shook his head and Pattons frowned deepened, tilting his head down. "I look...bad" he mumbled, fidgeting. He held his arms up slightly in front of his stomach, bobbing on his feet. He couldn't stay still.

"Bad? What gave you that idea?"

"My mirror" he mumbled, Logan used his finger and tilted Pattons head up, he had seen Roman do the same thing to Virgil plenty of times before.

"Patton, you look exquisite"

He sniffled, "what...what does that mean?"

Logan smiled and pulled him closer, "it means you look extremely beautiful" Patton blushed and rubbed his nose, smiling bashfully at Logan who tilted his head to the side to stare into his eyes.

" I don't"

"Yes you do, I will tell you everyday until you finally agree" Logan pushed his hair back and kissed his forehead.

"I promise, you look better then you ever have before, and that is not because of the make up" Logan brushed his thumb under his eye, cupping his face. Patton giggled, a few tears rolling down his cheek.

"Thank you, you look beautiful also! Even better than me"

"One, you complimented yourself, which is a good start and two, that is not possible"

"Why? Because we look the same?" Patton smiled but Logan shook his head.

"You will always look the best, out of all of us - that may be impossible, and I may be the only one who sees it, but you do" Logan leaned in closer and kissed him softly, rubbing away his tears.

"Don't cry, be happy"

(Don't cry, craft - HA BEAT YOU YOU FUCKERS, kidding Love yooou!) (...I still beat you tho)

Patton chuckled and the two hugged, Patton hiding his face in Logan's neck, enjoying each other's warm embrace.


Thanks for the request!

Is it just me or is all of Taylor Swifts songs really good? I know some people don't like her and yeah, not everyone will but personally I haven't found a Taylor swift song I don't like

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Is it just me or is all of Taylor Swifts songs really good? I know some people don't like her and yeah, not everyone will but personally I haven't found a Taylor swift song I don't like.

Anyway, byeeee!

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