Soft Voice - Roman x Logan

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If you want to know why it takes me so long to update in between OneShot is not because it takes me ages to write- it's because after every few paragraphs I honestly just stop and sing along to my music


"Sha la la la la la, don't be scared! You got the mood prepared, go on and kiss the boy!" Roman sang.

"Roman, please stop singing" Logan sighed, Roman frowned and thought of another song.

"Be a man, we must be swift as the coursing river. Be a man, with all the force of a great typhoon-!"

"Roman! Please" Logan cut him off, rubbing his eyes.

"....Be our guest, be our guest, put our service to the test! Tie your napkin 'rou-"

"ROMAN!" Logan yelled, slamming his hand on the table. Roman flinched and looked at Logan with wide eyes.

"Shut up! I have asked you over and over, what do you not understand?"

Roman frowned, pouting his bottom lip out from sadness. Logan sighed and rubbed his nose. "I apologise, I did not mean to snap at you" Logan looked up and sighed when he realised Roman had left.

Roman went to Patton and told him what happened, Patton comforted him while Logan went to Virgil for help on how to apologise.

Virgil looked up from his phone and shrugged, "dress up as a chicken"

"No, that is stupid"

"Uh, slap yourself in front of him"

"He does not like it when his close friends, family, and significant other gets hurt"

Virgil rolled his eyes, "Sing to him"

"Definitely not" Logan denied instantly, "what? Don't like your voice?" Virgil mocked but it was jokingly.

"As a matter of fact I do not, but that is off topic. This is a serious matter, Virgil"

"Uhgggghhh fiiiiine!" Virgil sighed, hiding a smirk. "Shave your head-!"

"That is it! You are no help whatsoever" he turned and left, leaving Virgil who began to laugh.

Roman went back to his room after half an hour, as Patton was tired, and laid on his bed until Logan knocked on his door. Roman cracked it open and looked at his boyfriend with a frown.

"I am sorry for how I acted earlier, Roman. It was horrible of me, you are an exceptional singer, I could listen to your voice for hours" Logan finished, adding a small smile onto the end.

Roman began to smile and opened the door wider, bringing him into a hug. "I forgive you, gumdrop"

They went to his bed to cuddle, Roman resting his head on Logan's chest. Logan leaned his head on the headboard and bit his lip, was he really about to do this? Yes

Will he regret it? Most certainly.

He opened his mouth and hesitated before he...sang.

"When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you. If your heart is in your dream, no request is to extreme, when you wish upon a star as dreamers do"

Roman lifted his head and looked at him with wide eyes, so that's where Thomas's soft voice came from...while his voice was powerful, Pattons was cute, and Virgils was deeper and moodier, his voice was soft and gentle.

Roman smiled and kissed him, Logan slowly kissing back. "Why haven't you sung to me before? Your voice is...absolutely angelic!"

Logan blushed and shook his head, "it is not but...thank you, Romeo"

"It is! I will tell Patton and you know what he would do if he found out two of his sons were self deprecating" he warned, Logan chuckled.

"Sing to be again? Please?" Roman requested, Logan sighed but nodded, Roman rested his head back down on his chest and closed his eyes.

"When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you. If your heart is in your dream, no request is to extreme, when you wish upon a star as dreamers do"

When Logan finished he noticed Roman had fallen asleep, smiling he shuffled into a more comfortable position and fell asleep with him.


Thanks for the request!

Literally I had to stop in the middle of this to listen to Disney songs I stg

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Literally I had to stop in the middle of this to listen to Disney songs I stg

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