"Calm" & "Collected" - Roman x Patton

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Roman stood in a proud, confident pose. He was levelheaded and looked like a badass. He wore a smirk and he looked like nothing could make him panic, or worry, or anything like that.

His dearest boyfriend, Patton, was on the other side of the room, playing around with a piece of paper to try and make a plane. The paper corner slid across his thumb and he winced.

"Ouch" he mumbled but Roman heard.

He spins around and his eyes widen, he dashed to Patton, tripping over everything there was to trip over, crashing to the floor several times before he made it to Patton, grabbing his hand. Patton giggled.

"OH MY DISNEY ARE YOU OKAY!? YOU'RE BLEEDING! THAT'S IT WE'RE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL!" Roman yelled, Patton tugged his hand away, smiling at Roman.

"I'm fine, Roman! See!" Patton held a tissue over his thumb, it soaked up the blood leaving a little mark where the paper cut his skin. "All better!"

Roman expected his thumb, eyes narrowed. "Does it hurt?"

"No, Roman" Patton smiled.

"Are you sure? We could still-"

"Roman, I'm fine!" Patton reassured him, leaning up and pecking his lips.

"I'm okay" he chuckled. Roman frowned but let it go, hugging Patton tightly.

"I thought I lost you" he mumbled.

"Awww! Roman!" Patton giggled, hugging him tightly. "It was just a paper cut-"

"YOU WERE BLEEDING!" He cut him off, making Patton laugh. Roman held his adorable boyfriend in his arms, kissing his lips. "I promise no harm will ever come your way!" Roman declared, Patton giggled.

"Thank you, Ro Ro!"


I just wanted to do this before I went to sleeeeeep

I could do a version with protective Patton over Virgil but it's up to you

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I could do a version with protective Patton over Virgil but it's up to you

I have a few smut requests, but I'll do them after the cute requests I have cuuus I don't want it all to be smut

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