Date Night - Virgil x Logan

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Virgil slowly walked up to his boyfriend, Logan, full of nerves. He was going to ask him on a date but, big surprise, he's really anxious about it.

Tapping Logan's shoulder he turned around, smiling at the sight of his boyfriend.

"Greetings Virgil, can I help you with anything?"

"Uh yeah...would, maybe would like to, y'know..." he trailed off, biting his lip. Logan stared at him with a confused expression.

"Like to what?"

"Goonadatewithme?" He rushed out quickly, anxiously waiting for his response.

"A date?" Virgil nodded and Logan smiled, fixing his glasses. "I would love to join you in a romantic outing, Virgil"

"Great! me here, at eight...or whatever" Virgil dashed off and Logan watched, chuckling to himself and disappearing to his own room.

Virgil spent a few hours making sure everything was perfect. He checked his makeup and outfit, wanting to look better then he usually did. He spent a few minutes worrying over everything that could go wrong before heading where he told Logan to meet him.

"Salutations, Virgil" Logan greeted.

"Suuuuup" Virgil dragged out, scratching his neck and turning around.

"Follow me..." he trailed and went in the direction he had planned the date. Logan followed, wondering what Virgil had planned, possibly a movie night? Virgil did like cuddling and doing nothing else.

They walked for at least five minutes, Virgil finally stopping outside of a room with a pure white door. "I found this a week ago" Virgil began, gesturing to the door in front of them.

"I think it's full of Thomas's best fantasises or somethin'" Virgil shrugged and pushed open the door, letting Logan go in first. Logan walked in and looked around the spacious room, his eyes widening with disbelief and wonder.

Virgil headed in behind him and closed the door, scanning Logan's face for any clue if he likes it or not.

"Virgil, this is too amazing for words, how did you make this?" Logan questioned, walking further in slowly. Virgil shrugged and hit his shoe on the floor softly, "It took awhile wasn't hard"

The room they were in didn't seem like a room at all, the walls, ceiling and floor were made to look like space, it was moving as if they were actually floating in space and Logan was fascinated by it all.

"I brought some snacks as" Virgil mumbled, picking up the picnic basket and setting it in the middle of the room, sitting on the floor. It was weird as it actually looked like you were floating but really it's just a room.

Logan sat down next to him and the two had the food while staring at the glistening stars, the colourful gasses and the rare large rock. Virgil knew Logan had been interested in space for the longest time and he thought this would be the next best thing to actually going into space.

"Thank you for this Virgil, it is the best thing someone has ever done for me" Logan smiled at Virgil, and Virgil blushed shrugging and mumbling an okay.

They spent a few more minutes in peaceful silence, watching the solar system.

"I'm starting to feel sick" Virgil mumbled and Logan agreed, they grabbed the basket and left the room. They decided to cuddle for a bit on the couch but neither of them expected to fall asleep. The next morning Roman and Patton walked into the room and noticed the two sides, sleeping on each other.

Patton hummed happily, loving the sight of them cuddling. It was so cute!

"How about that" Roman mumbled, "I did not expect them to sleep on each other"


I did It


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