Her last kiss and forever

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Diana just staid still in her chair, watching silently yet disgusted by the way her friends Hannah and Barbara were speaking to the brunette.

As they continue speaking something caught the blonde out off guard. -'Sad? Is this affecting her? Why doesn't she speak back anymore?'- she asked herself, now paying attention to what her friends were saying.

-"Why are you even here? You are so useless"- Barbara started.

-"No wonder Professor Finnelan wants you out"- Hannah continue.

-"Yeah, this acade..."-

-"Stop"- Akko's voice was unusually low and weak.

-"Oh so you..."- Barbara tried to tease again, but was cut by Akko again.

-"Stop"- this time was a little higher.

Diana stood up -"Would you two please stop, is enough"- she said in a stern voice, looking at Akko.

The girl was murmuring 'stop' the whole time while clenching her hands on her ear trying to stop the noise.

-"Akko"- Diana softly said trying to win the attention of the brunette, but the girl only lifted her head and locked eyes with the blonde before rushing out of the cafeteria passing beside Lotte and Sucy.

They both tried calling for her, but her voices didn't reach her, so they just looked at the blue team, with a mad expression, they both walked toward them.

-"What happen!?"- Lotte asked in a furious tone, which was really weird in a sweet girl like her.

Barbara and Hannah both looked at each other then back at Diana, who just rolled her eyes.

-"Don't look at me, I am not responsible for what have happen, now If you'd excuse me I have to find her"- The blonde said walking beside them, when she passed by Lotte, the girl stopped her.

-"You better find her, Sucy and me tried to stop her once, but I'm not sure this time well be able to stop her, so please hurry up"- Lotte said glancing by the corner of her eyes, then back at the duo. -"Now, you two care to explain?"- she continued.

Diana looked at her friends and gave them an apologetic look before rushing out of the place and starting to look for the brunette.

Empty, empty, empty, every same thing in every place she checked, she wasn't there.

-"Ugh, why didn't I stop them sooner"- Diana said to herself, sadness taking over her body, before something clicked in her head.

-"The magic tower"- she said before rushing out of the building and using her broom to go there.

Akko was sitting at the end of the tower looking down to the ground, watching all the combination of lights down, letting her tears roll down her face. She pulled her sleeve up, letting her cuts reveal.

-"Was that you?"- a soft voice caught her off guard, she quickly looked up, just to be meet by a pair of beautiful blue eyes infront of her.

-"D... Diana!"- she squealed quickly hiding her cuts with her sleeve, and behind her back.

Diana was on her broom, flying right in front of the brunette just watching her with a sweet smile, yet her eyes reflected sadness by what she discover.

She lifted her hand, slowly reaching Akko's and taking it carefully, the brunette hesitates wanting to pull away.

-"D... Di... ana, do... n't"- Akko stuttered, but the blonde ignored her.

Slowly uncovering the cuts, Diana made a small chuckle-"This is funny"- She said looking up at the girls eyes.

-"What the he..."- Akko was cut of the new found anger fading away, as she watched Diana lean in and kiss the cut.

-"It is funny cuz' I wished to be your first kiss"- a few tears escaped her eyes and her smile disappear. -"But apparently the kisses of a razor was faster than me"- She sobbed and lifter her free hand placing it on Akko's cheek, pulling the girl a bit and locking her lips with the brunette.

When they broke the kiss Diana looked at Akko's blushing face, she knew the brunette was not going to speak.

-"Please, Akko, I want to be your last kiss and be the one you look for when you want to get out of the real world, I don't want you to look for the kisses of a razor, neither anyone else, I want to be in your life, I want to be your girlfriend, I want to be there for you"- Diana continue, now sitting beside Akko.

Akko smiled not stopping the tears rolling down her cheeks, but still leaned in and locked her lips with the blonde. Diana closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face two, but a small smile appearing on them.

-'I love you'- was the last thing both of them thought.

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