Random Fic

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-"It hurts doesn't it"- Akko said, a serious look on her face, glancing toward her classmates, who patiently waited for her speech -"How the pains turns into a masterpiece, but the paper and the pencil ain't the materials that you use"- She glanced at Diana, her stare at her was soft and warm -"You learn that your love one draws in the worst way possible, that if you tried to even understand the drawing you'll get yourself into a world without escape"- She closed her eyes and looked down.

-"Akko, what are you supposed to be saying with this?"- Professor Chariot ask the girl, lifting an eyebrow.

Akko sadly smile -"Suicide"- She simply said, before glancing back at Diana -"Self harm"- She said again.

-"Why did you came up with such a delicate subject?"- Chariot asked again, intrigued to why such a inrresponsible, happy girl like her would choose that.

-"Because?"- She asked to herself looking at the professor -"I love someone, and that person is harming herself, even tho I tried to ask if it's alright, that person doesn't let me in"- Akko said, glancing by the corner of her eyes at the blonde, who was fidgeting on her spot, pulling down her long sleeves.

-"Is that person in this room?"- Chariot asked again.

Akko saddly smile -"Indeed she is, but this is taking way to long, and there are other student that wish to speak"- She said, placing the paper in her hand on the professor's desk.

-"But you haven't finish reading it"- Chariot point out.

-"The end is something you don't write, is something you imagine"- The brunette said -"Now, if I excuse myself, I have to speak with someone"- She said, slowly walking towatd Diana, and carefully pulling her off her spot and walking outside the classroom.

They didn't stop there, Akko knew people would try to listen, and that is something she didn't wanted to happen in this occasion.

-"Akko"- Diana called out, but the brunette ignored her.

-"Akko"- Diana cried out this time, trying to pull away from the warm gentle grip.

-"Ak..."- She was cut off, being embraced in a tight hug.

-"I saw them"- Akko said quietly -"I know about your scars, I really want to know why you do them, I want you to let me in"- Her voice slowly started to break -"I like you, I love you, I need you, I can't stand watching your beautiful body being damage like that, please let me do something to help you, don't fight this alone"- Tears by now have been soaking the girl's shirt.

-"Akko"- The blonde said the girl's name softly, hughing the girl tight -"I'm sorry"- Was the only thing she said.

-"I won't push you to tell me right away, but I really don't want you to do this anymore"- The brunette said, slowly pushing away, lifting the girl's sleeve, revealing the scars.

Long and short; new and old; deep and light, they all where scattered on the blonde's arm, giving a disgusting, horrible sight, yet for the blonde it only meant an unknow story that it will soon be discover it's reason.

-"Lets go to my dorm"- The brunette said softly, pulling the girl with her.

-"W-Why?"- The blonde asked shy, her cheeks blushing.

-"I wanna hold you more"- Akko admited.

I don't know why I came with this, or how, and I really hope you like this chapter, as the title says, is random XP. I'll try writting a better one next time.

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