It's a promise

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Second part of Can't take it

The girl couldn't move her body, a sharp pain in her stomach was felt, and a groan escaped her lips.

-"D-Dia-na"- She cried out, it sounded broken, full of pain, as if she was brutaly pierced by sharp nails.

The blasting sound of the sirens was heard as a blur in the girl's ear, she was slowly fading away.

-"Girl, girl stay with us! Hey! Wait a little more!"- A guy's voice was heard making Akko stay consious.

A fireman truck's siren was heard quickly after, and people started to fill the place.

Akko has unconsiously been saying the blonde's name all the time, making one of the police officer call the mentioned girl while, the fireman's and medic took the girl out of the car, a window cristal deep in the girl stomach and another person from another car that was also brutaly damage like her.

--- Hours later at the hospital ---

Diana as rushed into the building, her heart was hurting, trying to pick the small piece and connecting them with the small hope she had that the girl has still chances to live.

She directed herself to the counter, seen a nurse checking the computer.

-"Excuse me, can you tell me where is Atsuko Kagari?"- She slowly asked trying not to rush things, or be a bother.

The nurse nodded, glancing back at the computer and checking, before averting her eyes back at her -"She is in the operating room, she may take long"- The nurse leaned down, then back up with a small box and a letter in hand -"This was found in her car, she is awfully injured, it would be a miracle if she do survive this"- The nurse added, placing the small box and the letter; covered with a bit of blood, infront of her.

Diana only nodded and took the box and the letter, directing herself toward a chair in one of the emptiest corners.

She open the box, it was a necklace, a promising ring on it, a tear escaped her eyes. She cleaned it up then looked at the letter, ripping the top open.

It was writen in black tint, smudged by some red spot on it, and some that appeared to be from water? Or tears?

To: Diana

Look, I don't even know how to start...
I know I have ruined but... just so you know, I never cheated on you, I never had been unfaithfull to you, yes I lied, I was scared, I was so scared that you'd leave my side, that I made you leave.

Maybe I knew one day something was going to happen.

Diana Cavendish, I love you and always would, the necklace, use your magic to see what had really been happening, specially the days I get drunk and start to speak.

And all those kiss mark... I usually asked my friend to do them.

I wanted you to hate me, but you never did.

By now Diana has started crying, once she finish reading, moving the letter toward her chest.

'She can't die' She shot from her seat walking again to the counter -"Miss, How much do I have to wait?? What have happen to Akko?"-

-"Miss Cavendish, they haven't finish, you should go home, I'll give you a call the moment she come out"- The nurse said in a kind tone.

Diana wanted to snap, but she didn't wanted to make a scene -"I'll wait here"- She said calmly, moving back to her seat.

She glanced at the clock, minutes, hours had passed, the doors opening and closing, doctors and nurses she has fallen asleep by the same fear to lost her.

-"Miss Cavendish"- The doctor called out, carefully waking her up.

-"Y-yes?"- She sleepily said, a bit lost.

-"Miss Kagari is now in the room 124, since she lost a lot of blood, she may not awake for a while, it may even take a year or so, also by the impact of the incident this may cause her memory lost, but we aren't sure for now"- The doctor finish.

-"Can I go and see her?"- She quickly asked standing up from the chair she was in.

The doctor nodded and with that Diana rushed toward the room, she didn't even care that the nurses was yelling she couldn't run in the hallway, she just wanted to see her girl.

The moment she entered the room, she was meet with the beeping sound of the heart machine, and the bitter cold that was in.

-"Akko"- She slowly said.

Akko laid peacefully in the bed, slowly breathing, but a few tears had escaped the girl's closed eyes, the blonde without thinking moved closer, cleaning the tears off, and sitting beside her, taking the girl hands in hers.

-"I'll wait for you until you wake up, it doesn't matter how much it will take"- She said leaning in and placing a kiss on the girl's lips.

As she pulled away, a small smile made it's ways on the brunette's face.

Hope you like it, this is for the ones that wanted a second part!!!

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