Popularity comes first than you, I guess.

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Diana is the most popular girl in her school, highschool to be exact being in last year of it.

-"Diana, Isn't that the one you have been speaking about"- Hannah whispered in the girl's ear, making sure nobody would hear her.

The mentioned girl glanced toward the direction her friend meant, seeing, a bit smaller than her brunette with bright red eyes. The moment she looked at her, their eyes meet, making the brunette send her a shy small smile.

Diana by the gesture blushed, averting her eyes to the side -"Yeah"- She simply said letting out a deep sigh.

-"You have been sighing a lot lately, are you sure that your reputation means more than her?"- Barbara asked taking a sip from her cup as she looked on top of it with a concerned expression.

-"It does, nobody would hear someone gay, or even unrespectful for the matter, If I confess to her what will I do? I mean, you know how my parents are, popularity, discipline and reputation come first, If I come to dirt pur name by coming out..."- the girl shivered by only imagine what would happen if that turned to reality.

-"Umm... D-Diana?"- A girl stuttered, gaining the blonde's attention.

Diana glanced to her side, causing her heart beat to stop and her breathing to thight.

-"Yes?"- She tried to disguse her nervousness behind her cold actitud.

The brunette trembled a bit -"I-I w-want to g-give you this"- She squeaked out, holding up and envelope with a heart sticker to keep it close.

Diana scoff snatching the envelope from the girl's hand -"Akko, do you think I, someone like me would go out with a low life like you? You have to be out of your mind"- Diana said remembering how her father once answered to a girl in one of his younger stories, regretting the words, feeling how each and every word that left her mouth was writing itself in her heart, knowing she would never forget that moment.

Watching Akko rush away tears in the edge of her eyes, while everyone around them would laugh at her. Diana gritting her teeth, stood up from the chair, making it fall by her body, and walking abruptly out of the cafeteria.

She didn't look back, nor glanced away from the floor, she just rushed back to her dorm, closing the door behind her as she leaned on the door, placing a hand on her forehead while looking at the ceiling.

-"Mom, what should I really do?"- She cried out, her tears rushing down her cheeks, gripping hard the envelope that was still in her hand -"Dad, is it really worth it, the reputation and popularity?"- She continue, pushing herself off the door and walking toward her bed, letting herself fall on it.

She open un the envelope, a three long love note appeared inside, she silently started to read it, word after word, sentence after sentence, each one with more love than the last one, the brunette had poured all her love in it, but the last part was the one that gained the most attention of all.

-"...May this not be a good time to confess, since I know you care more about your reputation, but I swear I would wait until you decide to be who you really are..."- Diana read it out loud, trying to make it feel less than a dream.

-"I hate myself"- She mumble in between sobs, while placing the note beside her, muffling her loud cries wuth the pillow, before falling to sleep.


So I'm back! Love you all for your comments and likes and even views!

Is not much, but I hope this are of your liking, guys!! I was feeling bad for not updating, I'll put images later.

I'm thinking on finishing this book with 150 parts, what do you think? Would you like it? Or do I make it shorter? Or longer?

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