Birthday Special 1/5

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Diana woke up, smiling, she glanced to the side admiring her girlfriend, who was snuggled into her, her hair messely covering her face.

She chuckle -"Cute"- She mumble, brushing the hair off her face with her finger and placing a small kiss on the girl's forehead.

She glanced at the clock, that read 6:30am, she smile 'I have time' she thought to herself, slowly taking the sheets of her and standing up.

Her exposed body was meet by the cold air, making her shiver a bit, walking toward Akko's stuff, she picked a white shirt, which was rather big since the girl intendes to buy shirt bigger than her size.

After washing her mouth she walked toward the kitchen, taking out the pancake box, egg, and bacon, a few more ingredients was also sitting in top of the island in the middle of the kitchen.

As she made the breakfast, she would sometimes glance to the entrace to make sure Akko hasn't woken up.

Minutes later she finish, taking the wodden tray, the breakfast and a rose on it, toward the bedroom, where Akko still was asleep.

She plaved the tray on the bed and got on crawling her way toward the brunette.

-"Akko, babe, wake up"- she gently shake her, gaining just a low groan, and a turn.

She now laid with her back to the bed, on leg midway up, and a hand resting on her belly, the other just laid still on the bed.

-"Baby, come on the food will get cold"- She said, leaning down and kissing the girl on the cheek.

The brunette didn't even move a finger, as she still had her eyes close, only the rise and down of her chest.

Diana smirked and got on top of her, leaning down, capturing her lips with hers before she was pushed closer by Akko's hands that were now on her waist.

-"Now that was a good way to wake up"- Akko giggle as they broke away.

Diana rolled her eyes, she closed the space between them, nose touching -"Happy birthday babe"- She whisper before kissing the girl again.

As breathing became hard to do, they broke apart, and the blonde was about to move before was pulled back into the hug.

-"Wait, not yet, please"- Akko said hidding her face on the girl's chest.

-"But your food..."- She trailed off, before noticing the tears on the girl's eyes, one tear fell, and Diana kissed it away -"Akko, I'm not leaving you, I promise, but you have to eat, come on"- She said pulling the brunette up.

-"Is a promise?"- Akko asked again to reasure it.

-"Yes its a promise"- She finish kissing the girl again, before picking the tray up and placing it on the girls lap, infront of the brunette.

Taking her phone out, and taking a picture of the girl eating, before chuckling and updating it in facebook with the word 'Promise' on it, and another few words from her heart.

So today is my birthday, yay!

Hope you like this special, since I thought it was better if the gift was for you guys! 💜😘

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