Tag, I won

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Her hair danced with the wind, as rough as elegant as it could be, her breathing speeding up, as her lung furiously looked for the air that had be provided and at the same time neglected; the adrenaline on her body would rise by the more time that passed.

-"You won't be able to catch me!"- A combined with tiredness and excitment, tone was heard.

-"You are on"- Diana screamed back,watching the back of the brunette, as it moved quickly away from her, her hair bouncing and her laughter filling the air around her.

Drops of sweat rushed down the blonde's body, and her legs started to hurt, but she still didn't wanted to stop, feeling more hyped up for some reason.

The brunette looked back, and lovestruck her, seeing her blonde friend in that childish state,siling and enjoying herself.

Oblivious to her, a branch was spotted not so far form her,making her trip on it, falling flat on the floor, whincing in the sudden impact she slowly turned around.

-"Got you!"- Diana blurted out, jumping on top of the brunette gently, careful not to hurt her.

Akko had scratched on her forehead and nose, but a small grew on her face, she gasped, trying to control her hair as she glanced admiring the beauty on top of her.

Diana's expression changed, leaning down her hair falling down, still gasping a bit.

-"You wo..."- Akko was cut off, by a warm, soft, sweet sensation that meet her lips.

The blonde pulled away, a few seconds before leaning back again, licking the lower lip for permission. Akko became quickly weak at the gesture succumbing to the girl's wish and allowing entrance.

Their tongue danced, the taste salty by the sweat that invaded their mouth, and the sweet yet sour taste of their saliva.

After what seemed for forever, they broke away, a string of saliva still connected on their lip, breaking after mini-seconds.

-"Tag, you are it"- Diana smiled, and jumped of the girl, rushing away her gigglesfilling the air, yet again.

Akko laid there, she let out a happy sigh, and blushed, still feeling the sensation of their kiss.

-"Akko! Come on!"- Diana screamed at the girl with a daring tone.

The brunette let out a laugh, that died down into a smile, before jumping of the floor.

-"I'm so gonna catch you"- She said rushing behind the blonde.

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