Jealous much

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Hannah and Barbara tried to win the blonde's attention, but the girl was bitting her lips, looking annoyed toward one direction only, the duo infront of her glanced toward where she was looking noticing the red team in a few tables far from them.

Akko was speaking to Andrew and they were way too close for Diana's liking.

-"I think they are a couple"- Hannah commented.

-"Yeah I think they got together a few weeks back"- Barbara said.

Diana stood up, making her chair loudly screech and fall to the floor winning everyone's attention, even the brunette looked, meeting with the blondes eyes, they locked in an instant, which reflected anger, annoyance and... Broken?

Akko watched how Diana huffed and walked away pushing her hair to the back.

-"I have to go"- Akko said with no explanation and stood up quickly pushing Andrew away from her, rushing behind Diana.

Diana walked around a corner leaning on the wall, with her arms crossed.

Akko was close to her, and the blonde knew it, the moment Akko got to the corner, Diana took her by the hand and pinned her on the wall locking her lips with hers.

Akko pushed her away, slowly, even thought she felt like continuing it, something inside her didn't feel right, she didn't understand what was happening at all, and it kinda made her nervous.

Much more if the girl that kissed her was Diana Cavendish.


Akko looked worried and questioningly, but was curious about the blonde's action.

-"Why him? Why not me?"- Diana said not looking up from the floor, moving her right leg nervously, forward and backward.

Akko started to analyze the situation, but was still confused, not knowing how to put the pieces together, she let out a defeated sigh, deciding to give up, she tried to talk.

-"Diana"- she started softly, but as soon as she started, the blonde ran away from the brunette, disappearing from the girl's view not knowing where to.

A dumbfounded girl stood still, more like frozen in place, before it kicked her.

-"Fuck!"- she screamed, sprinting again behind Diana.

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